I’m quickly running out of shits to give

I'm not going to sugar coat this folks. I'm really struggling right now. We've been on lockdown since March 6th, when Elliott got sick and was diagnosed with Influenza B. That just sorta rolled into the COVID19 lockdown and we're only just beginning this journey. The boys are on edge and I'm not sure how to really help them with that, aside from keeping them distracted and that's proving to be a challenge. In front of the kids, I'm a rock, but not so deep down inside, I'm freaking the fuck out. I'm sure that the kids have picked up on that to some extent but I go to exhaustive lengths to hide that from them. It's well, pretty damn exhausting. I'm trying to balance a million different things right…


What it’s like to be on #COVID19 lockdown with 3 #Autistic kids, 1 being #immunocompromised

We've had an interesting fourth day of lockdown. For the most part, the kids are doing well. Everyone is healthy and in relatively good spirits. Thank God. I thought I would share a bit of insight into what it's like to be a single Dad on lockdown, with three Autistic kids and one at very high risk. Here's just a few of my current challenges. They extend well beyond my worrying about food, water and provisions. It's well beyond worrying about paying my bills or even working from home. One of the challenges I am facing, aside from the COVID19 pandemic outside my door, is that my kids are not adjusting to home learning very well. Since school work isn't optional, they have to get it done whether they want…


Trying to survive a pandemic isn’t helping my battle with #Depression, like at all

I started writing this last night but thankfully, fell asleep before I could publish it. Trying not to panic is one of my main goals as we hunker down and wait out the pandemic. Tonight, however, I feel scared and alone. I know this is going to sound weird, but I spent a great deal of time as a firefighter and paramedic. I did some training with FEMA, as well as training for mass casualty incidents. Thankfully, I never had to use that training, but over the years, I would run through scenarios in my head and figure out how I would manage them should they ever arise. In every single one of those scenarios, my family was whole, and we worked together to make it through. Not one time…


Social Distancing Is Difficult But Necessary

We woke up to a dead fish in our aquarium this morning. The kids were very sad to find it belly up, after having for so many years now. I think having any fish for a few years is actually pretty notable. The aquarium received a thorough cleaning. We discovered that the water heater was broken and that probably contributed to things. A replacement is ordered. I want to try and focus on specific tasks each day. Now is a great time to catch the kids up on life skills they're currently lacking and hopefully, that will help the house run smoother. I think today's focus will be on laundry. Even if I don't get everything washed today, I want everything to get organized. Being organized will help make the…