The Drama that comes with autism

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  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:June 7, 2010

If you are familiar with autism you probably already know there can be quiet a bit a drama that goes along with it. Gavin can be the king of drama at times. Today he got in the middle of the dog and cat “playing” and he got a tiny barely visible scratch from the cat. Not that it didn’t hurt but he started screaming like he had just been stabbed. Sensory issues are at work here to but honestly it was drama. He was fine for a minute then realized he could squeeze it to the point it would bleed. By bleed I mean basically turn red.

As soon as he saw the “blood” he totally lost it. He kept squeezing so more blood appeared and then he would scream some more. We sent him to his room and said when he is under control we’ll look at it again but we can’t do anything with him acting like that. He melted down on the way to his room. A bit later he emerged and was fine. Great job Gavin.

What’s so ironic about this is when he gets mad he will slam himself into his door over and over. He will hit himself and leave bruises. These injuries he never complains about but the tiny little scratch is the end of the world.


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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Stuart Duncan

For me it's the sound issue. Any movie or music that is at a good listening volume, not loud, but you know, a little louder than what you normally have it at…. my son complains as if he's bleeding from the ears. He can't handle the sound.
However, should we take away his video games or tell him he can't do something and his screams hit levels that make my ears bleed!
It's funny how these things have a certain "convenience" to them sometimes.