Some random off topic…ness

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  • Post last modified:May 11, 2011

This is WAY off topic but I thought I would share anyways. As some of you know and others will be learning for the first time, we haven’t had TV for years now. It was one of the sacrifices that we had to make in order to moving forward. We stream Netflix or Hulu and that’s about it. Recently, Lizze and I began watching the “Lost” series. We had boxset so we were able to watch it start to finish on our time frame. Pretty soon we were cramming in as many episodes every night as possible. It took us about a month to actually finish all 6 seasons but man was it worth it. I have NEVER been so taken in by a TV series EVER.

“Lost” had a way of sucking me into it’s crazy and confusing plot. What’s really weird is that I NEVER get emotionally attached to a TV show or movie in this way. There were nights that we would get to the end of an episode and it would be like 1am and we would compulsively start the next episode. Lizze would usually fall asleep on the couch and I would just keep plugin away…sorry honey.  Have any of you ever watched “Lost”? Anyway my point to writing this was not really to review the show. Although I would rate it easily a MUST SEE.

The reason I’m writing this is because we watched the series finale the other day and I have just been struggling to move past the fact that it’s over. Is that weird? There have been many TV shows that I have LOVED and were canceled, most notably would be Monk and the Stargate series (all three of them). While I was disappointed that they had ended I never actually felt a loss like I did at the end of “Lost”. It really is a unique experience for me and my life is full of what most people would consider unique experiences, both good and bad. I just really don’t understand why it is having this profound of an impact on me. I could have easily watched another 6 seasons or more. However, sadly all good things come to an end.

Lizze and I have decided to pick another series that we can get and do the same thing. It was nice and helped me to feel a bit of normalcy in an otherwise chaotic life. I think we are going with “24”. I watched the first episode last night but I don’t know if Lizze can get into it. From what I hear that was another GREAT series that we never watched.

Anyone have any suggestions? Also did you ever watch “Lost” and if so did you have trouble walking away at the end?

Now that I have made all of you think I’ve “Lost” my mind, I’m off to play some COD: Black Opps.


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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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My addictive TV shows are Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Doctor Who (modern day, not the older ones), Six Feet Under and True Blood. I'm (im)patiently waiting for the next season of True Blood to come out on Netflix, and also (im)patiently waiting for my husband to recover from gall bladder surgery (he keeps falling asleep early from his pain meds) to watch more Doctor Who.


24 didn't do it for me either…especially when the second season had the same issue of "saving the kid" The Tudors hooked me, and had to watch all the The Pillars of Earth….and sorta got hooked by The Kings. The House of Elliot I really liked and Deadwood…Six Feet Under and Rome got me to watch them all…



We LOVED Jericho but last time I checked there is NO end. They just shut the show down, brought it back and shut it down again. I don't understand because Jericho was REALLY good. The x-files is a great suggestion hadn't thought about that. Lizze can't seem to get into "24" like she did with "Lost". Why do all the good shows go and the less then good ones stay?

My recent post Autism- self-injury and “outside the box” thinking


These are all AWESOME suggestions. I got the first 3 episodes of "24" done now. Hulu Plus is another GREAT source. k0nane we LOVE SVU and Hulu Plus has every single episode. Thanks everyone.
My recent post Autism- self-injury and “outside the box” thinking


I know what you mean. DH and I just got Netflix to help save on cable (we love skipping the commercials) and I'm experiencing the same sense of "loss" when I end a series to the poine that I'm unsure now when I start a series. I try not to look for any that are short. We enjoyed Dexter but it's a bit…well graphic? and we wanted all of the seasons to be available so DH hunted down the ones that weren't so we could finish them. We liked 24 when it was out but at times it can get not heavy but from season to season eventually I got tired of it. DH on the other hand couldn't wait. I will as DH for some recommendations for you as his football boards have a whole list of the "gold standard" 🙂 We find it to be an escape as well. Similar to a book in a way…but with the ability to stop, pause, etc.


I've never watched House, but as far as series recommendations…

– House
– The Sopranos (EXCELLENT, but definitely not kid-friendly… obviously)
– Law & Order SVU, and UK


I was SO glad when Lost was over. The last few seasons annoyed me to no end, but I'd put so much time into it I couldn't stand not to stick around for the end.

I know what you're talking about though, I still really miss Farscape, and that ended years ago.


24 would be a great series to watch. Netflix has all of the seasons for streaming as well so that's a plus. I started watching this with my fiance, and it took a few episodes to really become invested, but it definitely happens. I think my favorite part would be pausing at certain moments and discussing the moral aspects of some of the decisions he makes and whether we could condone or potentially do the same thing. Makes for some fun nights!