What was the most important day of your life?

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  • Reading time:1 mins read
  • Post last modified:February 15, 2012

This may sound like a weird question but I have my reasons for asking.

I was listening to the radio this morning on the way to take the boys to school. They were talking to people about the most important day of their lives.

I heard some crazy answers and it got me wondering.

What qualifies as the most important day of your life?

For me, the most important day of my life was when my children were born.

A very close 2nd would be when I married my best friend. I think she would likely agree with my choice.

So, what was the most important day of your life?

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Rebecca Magliozzi

I would actually say the day my son was diagnosed with autism, because it was a breakthrough in me understanding him. Up to that point, he had been confusing, stubborn and difficult all his life. That also lead to me later realizing I was sick with autoimmune disease as well. Being able to deal with both of those things improved both our lives.


I would say there are two, 9/7/88 and 11/3/91, yup, the day my kids were born. My life has never been the same since. I never knew what true love was until I held my tiny babies in my arm. To this day, I know that I would give my life in a heartbeat if it mean saving one of my children.


These are all great experiences. Thank you for sharing..

Onyx Panthyr

I'd have to say a big one was this: 4/18/09 – That was the day I passed out in a hot tub and my then boyfriend saved me from drowning. It was a wake up call to how precious life is and only made me love my loved ones more and want to do more for them. It changed a lot of things in my head and while people will tell you I'm generally still the same person, I have stronger commitment to those qualities they have come to like.


Thank you for sharing that. I really appreciate you letting people in.

I have had those types of moments in my life as well, that have changed me.

Best wishes 🙂


Definitely the day my son was born. I can't think of anything to top that!