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  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post last modified:August 24, 2012

There has been a great deal that has happened today.  Most everything has been pretty rough or at least unpleasant.  However dark the day has been,  there still exists a silver lining. 

In this case the silver lining revolves around my sweet Elliott Richard. 

Last year my sister moved out to the East Hamptons and took a job as one of the only physical therapists there.  She has a beautiful house in a beautiful area.

My parents and grandmother are going to see her this weekend.  They are leaving tonight,  around 7pm and will return in about 4 days. 

Elliott will be going with them.

This is a bittersweet moment for me.  Elliott desperately needs and deserves a break from all the chaos the Lost and Tired family has to offer. His anxiety is through the roof and we have little in the way of options to help him.

I’m so grateful that he’s going to have these 4 days to once again,  just be a kid.

While he’s there,  he will be going whale watching.  How awesome is that. He going to experience things that I could only dream of providing for him.

He will get to walk on the beach and collect sea shells.  That will literally be a dream come true for him. He has wanted to do that for as long as I can remember. That dream will be realized this weekend.  🙂

He will get to spend time with his great grandmother,  who he loves dearly.

This is the best birthday present I could have gotten. I’ve been so worried about Elliott and wishing that he could have an experience like this. The bittersweet part is purely selfish, on my part.

I wish I could have provided him with this experience.  I wish I could be there to see his eyes, when he sees the ocean for the first time.  I wanted to see the look of amazement and wonder in his face when he gazes upon one of nature’s largest mammals.

I would have loved to see his little foot prints washed away by the incoming tide,  as he was collecting sea shells on the beach.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m beyond happy for him. I just wish I could have been the one eye to give this to him.   

This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct hate me.

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Sorry for you, happy for E.  Make sure somebody takes lots of pictures so you can see, and he can remember for a long, long time.  It will be fun to hear his excitement when he gets back and can show you what he did.


((hugs))  you deserve to be able to be there.  the important thing is that despite the fact that it makes you sad, you are sending him.  I hope he has a fabulous time!


@JennyPattonFury thanks 🙂 to me it's like I'm missing his first steps or something. However, I'm so happy that he gets this 🙂