Wishing we were in Arizona

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  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:October 2, 2012

The weather is all kinds of crappy,  here in Canton Ohio. It’s cold, rainy and the worst kind of weather for someone like Lizze, who battles Fibromyalgia.

If I said she was having a bad day,  that would be the understatement of the year.

Lizze is really struggling to even move right now. She has an appointment today but other than that, she’s not going to be able to do much. 

We’ve joked around about moving to Arizona because the weather is perfect for someone with Lizze’s health problems. However, we can’t even get out of our neighborhood, moving across country seems like a pipe dream.

To make things even more fun,  Elliott and Emmett have been at each other throats since 5am. Yes, I said 5am.

Lizze was kind enough to let me sleep in and I feel really bad now that I know where she is today.

It’s going to be one of those really, really long day.

This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct hate me.

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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So sorry to hear that Lizze is suffering so much these days. I have lived in AZ for 8 years and was born and raised in Southern California. When we first moved here we loved many of the people, they were nice and midwesternly. Then like us a flood of californians came and now you run into the same garbage as those in california (entitled). We were always approached as, "hi how are you and where do you go to church?"  I thought this was really nice. Now that I have lived here long enough, I know they were asking to find out if we were LDS (mormon) or Christian. We live about 45 minutes south east of Phoenix on the edge of civilization. We have farmland that is broken by housing tracts. The summers are HOT and can last as long as 6 months of 100+ degree days. It can be tough to get the kids out of the house during the summer. Because we are close to farming, the dust and pollen from the crops can wreak havoc on even people that have never suffered from allergies. The wind can also stir up spores in the dirt that can cause valley fever which is similar to mono with the flu!!! Mosquitoes that carry west nile birus are always fun especially when they have to spray pesticides to kill them. It can be difficult to walk anywhere because stuff is spread out. There really isn't a small town feeling here either. Our schools can be pretty poor in the education department some districts are better than others. The special education services are close to awful and the resources are low in the area. We do have 2 childrens hospitals near by. There are very few resources in the health care industry that deal with the spectrum much less many of the other issues your boys deal with. I do love living here but just about every place in the US could use some changes. The one good thing about the schools is you have a choice and we have many great charter schools. If you ever think about seriously moving here I would love to be a resource for you. Please contact me anytime at crochetbymamaluv@gmail.com


 @JenniferWhynott Jennifer–just a small correction–LDS (Mormons) are Christians.  They believe that Christ is the son of God and came to earth to pay the price of mankind's sins, which is the definition of a Christian.   Other sects may disagree with this but most now accept LDS as Christians. 


 Yes you are correct in that LDS are considered Christian but many Christians would not be caught dead in a mormon church and vice versa unless they were exploring different faiths or contemplating changing their religion. It is similar in people who identify themselves as Lutheran and Catholic.


 @JenniferWhynott Well described! We are next to you in NM, and dry climate is a huge adjustment. Also for me never having allergies, we all suffer from seasonal allergies with that dry air! So are are really considering moving towards East coast in a couple of years, but keeping it low south, FL more likely, where humidity will relief our allergies. 
However, lucky enough, we have the best schools in education here (Los Alamos county is the exception for all of the NM schools). Special education is not the best, but I can't tell it is re worst since my daughter is given a lot here. I heard from other parents with special needs who ran into some problems, but so far we were lucky with our therapists and special aids. 


 @JenniferWhynott typo:  it is not the worst


To Lizze–I'm so sorry you're suffering like this.  Yes, this type of Ohio weather is horrible for fibro flares and I feel for you and with you.  Just once, I wish the change of seasons wouldn't cause havoc on this fibromyalgia and everyone else who suffers from this!!  I vote for the suburbs of Las Vegas for a second home if I could-LOL!!  Hang in there.


It is a yukky Ohio day…bleh…I lived in Arizona for a year and LOVED it….it has my vote!!! 🙂


@DLaubacher I love the change of seasons but Lizze's body certainly doesn't