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  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:October 11, 2012

I’m feeling really overwhelmed this morning.  To be honest, it’s sorta residual stress I was feeling yesterday.

This whole residential placement situation is so stressful.  If the funding board is not convinced that this is in Gavin’s best interest, they won’t approve funding.  If they feel that the likelihood of success is to slim, they won’t approve funding.  If they feel that we should try other ideas first, so that Gavin can stay in our home, they won’t approve funding. 


Their goal is to do everything possible, not to remove the child from the home.

What’s happens if they dot approve the funding? Where will we be then? There is literally a 0% chance that we could fund this on our own. We would have to cover almost $500 per day.

I don’t personally know anyone that could pull that off. 

What would we do then?

We can’t possibly continue on this way.  Lizze is barely hanging on as it is now.

The boys are so stressed out and overwhelmed already.  Everyone needs a break and time to heal.

The truth is,I don’t know what our future holds or even how much longer we can survive. 

This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct hate me.

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Patrick Toussaint

I feel your pain, Rob – working on getting my 20 year old and 21 year old autistic boys onto SSI so I can get them placed into a group home of some sort.  The younger one needs to be challenged by being more on his own, but with supervision – he's ready to grow in that way, and I'm so proud of him for it.  The older boy, however, is now too much for me to handle as a single parent.  I need to get him into a home because he needs the structure and order that I just can't provide him anymore – and that tears at my soul.  The stress that it takes to get to the point of CONSIDERING residential placement is huge – to then be faced with the possibility of it being denied…well, as I said at the start, I feel your pain.  All I can tell you is what I told you when I first found your blog – you and Lizzie are NOT alone…take what comfort you can in that knowledge, and just try to persevere.  *virtual hugs to you both*


I can't imagine how you all must be stressed at this point. I really hope they will approve the funding and entire family will be back on the track to improvements. Even if Galvin is the one causing most of the stress, it is more likely also affecting him in some way with school.


can't imagine what you guys must be feeling….my prayers are as always with you


I'm so sorry.  It's easy to get overwhelmed and scared by the future without 1/10th the issues that you guys have to deal with on a daily basis.   There would be something wrong if you weren't overwhelmed occasionally (or often).   I wish there were some way to get you more help…