What the heck happened?

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  • Post last modified:December 7, 2012

Alright, I promised an update and so I thought I would cram them all into one post. 
Let begin with this mornings wraparound meeting at the school. If I had to describe it in one word, I would probably say, success.

While not everyone was there, it was a productive meeting.

Some really great ideas were kicked around and we began building the framework necessary to move forward. Although, I do need to say that I think I’m most grateful for the fact that I believe everyone is much closer to being on the same page than we were before.  Admittedly, being on the same page is difficult when dealing get with child like Gavin, because he only let’s certain people see certain things. .

That for me is a huge victory.  The other victory was just how well Emmett was behaved while we were there. He did amazing and I’m so proud of him.  🙂

Moving on…..

Gavin had his monthly IVIG Antibody Infusion this morning.  Gavin did well behaviorally, during the 5 or so hours he was in the infusion lab. Unfortunately, his body wasn’t so well behaved.

Gavin was extremely nauseous on the way up and came close to vomiting all over the inside of the car, once again.

Another big concern was his heart rate.  He was in the 140’s and even on the Ativan it’s not really slowing down.  That has me very concerned. 

On a positive note, Gavin is going to be on Akron Children’s Hospital Facebook page.  🙂
That about sums up the most important events of the day. 

Currently, the boys are all in bed sleeping and Lizze and I are watching Whale Wars on Netflix and trying not to stress eat. 

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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