I took a trip back in time

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  • Post last modified:December 16, 2012

I got a call from my Dad this morning.  He was letting me know that he thinks my old dog had a stroke last night. I got Rogue back in 2000 right before I started paramedic school.

When I met Lizze and moved out, Rogue stayed behind because they didn’t want to part with her. 
Sadly, I suspect that she will be put to rest on Monday. She’s in really bad shape and has lost control over the right side of her body over night. She basically falls over when she trys to walk and is drooling uncontrollably. 

She seems completely disoriented and has stopped eating as well.

She’s 13 years old and at this point, her quality of life is not very high. Honestly, I would suspect that she’s too old to really recovery from something like this. 

I spent some time over there this morning and reminisced about when I first brought her home from work and went for a walk down memory lane.

It’s sad because she was a big part of my life for a very long gone time and was my first dog.

You hate to say goodbye but no one ever said that doing the right thing was easy. I suppose that we will know more for sure in the morning when the vet opens.  I will say that I take comfort in the fact that she doesn’t appear to be in any pain at all.

December is turning out to be a pretty crappy month. 

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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I am so saddened to hear about Rogue. Im struggling to find the right words to say,,, my heart is heavy. Please just know that you and the family and Rogue are in my thoughts and continued prayers. Ive asked God to wrap his loving arms around you all and give you guidance and peace durring this time.~~~hugs


@kathyakaNonnie thank you so much. We all appreciate that. 🙂