Courageous You

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  • Reading time:5 mins read
  • Post last modified:July 1, 2013

I always like to connect my readers with potential services and em sources. I connected with Takiya and found what she has to offer the community very interesting. I wanted to share this with you all because I thought maybe someone could benefit from this.

Please note that this is not an endorsement (because I have no first hand experience) but instead a sharing of information that may be of benefit to someone.

Courageous You


by Takiya Paicely, MSW, LCSW


‘Perhaps it takes courage to raise children’ John Steinbeck, East of Eden


I want to start by thanking Rob for giving me the opportunity to discuss my mission and services to his readers.  I am honored and privileged by this opportunity.


Hi, I am Takiya Paicely.  I am a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW) and maintain an online counseling practice in Indiana.  I provide services to individuals and families.  My mission is to provide quality, exceptional, and convenient services to parents and caregivers of special needs children/adults and offer an alternative for people who may be apprehensive about face to face counseling.  Therapy does not have to be confined to brick and mortar.


I have over 10 years experience working in the behavioral and mental health industry.  I have worked with a broad spectrum of individuals from the very young to the more mature.  Throughout my years of working in the behavioral and mental health field, I have observed the many challenges parents of special needs children face.  I have noticed how hard they work to ensure that their children receive all possible services available.  I have seen many parents serve as strong advocates for their children and other families who are in similar situations.  I have been privileged to hear their stories of triumphant, significant challenges, and learning to create and define new ‘normals’ for their lives.  Above all, I have noticed how many of these parents have placed their own emotional, spiritual, and physical health needs on hold to ensure they provide the very best for their children.


Oftentimes, there are many services available for children (even if it sometimes requires fighting tooth and nail to obtain).  However, there are limited services that are solely dedicated to serving the parents.  Parents of children with special needs have a unique set of challenges that differ greatly from most parents.  The challenges these parents face on a daily basis can be daunting.  If others could walk one day in their shoes, I doubt many people would be able to last an hour.  While some parents may only have to juggle 3-4 medical appointments a year (annual check up and 2 dental appointments), parents with children with special needs may have 3-4 appointments weekly!  There are medical appointments to specialists, physical, speech, and occupational therapy, ABA therapy, counseling, medication management services, case management, and extracurricular activities.  Whew! That makes me tired just typing that!


It takes a brave and courageous person to handle many of the adversities that come about as a parent with a child with special needs.   It requires a little bit of creativity, ingenuity, thick skin, and yes, even luck.   Many of us have the luxury of being able to plan how our day will flow and if something does not go according to plan, we can just roll with the changes.  Not so with a parent of a child with special needs.  It can be the smallest things that can cause tantrum or meltdown, which can lead to some behavioral outbursts at school, in public, or other activities.  Some parents may feel as if they are ‘living on edge,’ because so much hinges on what mood their child will be in.  Then, there is dealing with the judgment from other people.  People who do not understand all that it takes to parent a child with special needs, the sacrifices, the energy, and having to parent differently.  It is unfortunate, that many of these parents have been harassed, belittled, and shamed by those who do not understand.  Many have had to deal with calls to Child Protective Services on more than one occasion.  It is completely unfair, but they continue to hold their heads up high and do the best they can for their children.


It is my hope and goal to serve as a resource for parents who desire to talk with a licensed professional to help them work through some of the emotional challenges they face daily.  I am here to shoulder some of the burdens, even if it is for a few moments.  It really helps to have someone to talk to and be able to find ways to manage the chaos that is life.  Many parents are lying awake at night filled with worry, stress, anxiety, and utter exhaustion.  Many are worried if they will be able to handle one more tantrum, one more phone call from the school, one more judging stare, or be able to meet the financial needs of their family.


Whether you seek a professional to talk or it is a close friend or support group, please make sure that you take time to heal and edify your emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.  You DESERVE to live a life being the BEST you!


I want to thank you all for taking time out of your busy day to read my post.  I want to again thank Rob for allowing me the opportunity to share my mission.  It is my hope that you all continue to remain strong, brave, and courageous!


For more information about online counseling, my services, and my background, please visit my website at  I can also be reached at or (317) 427-5521.

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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is this a sponsored post? It’s important to disclose if you were paid a fee for posting this…


Jharrigan I know what I’m supposed to do. 🙂 
No, this is not a sponsored post.  This is someone that provided a service that may be beneficial to those within the community. I don’t do sponsored posts. I do however, share information.


lostandtired Jharrigan 😉 just checking – seems like a great service. Thanks for posting!


Jharrigan lostandtired you’re quite welcome.  Literally, minutes after posting this last night, the server went down and has just come back online.  I did add that this isn’t an endorsement but a sharing of information.