How a massive tantrum ruined our day and plunged us into chaos

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  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post last modified:May 23, 2014

I can’t even begin to explain how shitty today has been.   The day began with Gavin having yet another tantrum.  This tantrum was so loud and aggressive that as soon as Gavin began smashing his feet into the floor,  Bella peed as she was running away from him to hide. 

He literally scared the piss out of poor Bella. 

The boys were hiding in their room because they were afraid as well. 

What I didn’t realize at the time was how this would set the tone for the rest of the day.  Elliott and Emmett were overstimulated and never really came back down from that. 

Bella peed in the house at least five times today, which is out of character for her.  It was like every time she heard a noise, she peed on the floor. 

Lizze has been sick all day since Gavin’s massive early morning tantrum.

My sanity is just about nonexistent right now and and my patience has hopped the first train out of town.

What I find most disturbing about today is that while everyone else in the house was experiencing chaos, Gavin was all jokes and smiles. He’s was thriving on the chaos that ensued as a result of his massive tantrum this morning.

I don’t know why I’m so surprised because he’s always been this way.

Those of you that have been long time readers will likely remember a time where these tantrums happened 5 or 6 times a day, everyday. Gavin’s would get Lizze and I all worked up and then he would simply stop, walk away and go on with his day as though nothing happened.

It’s was and is maddening.

Today’s ordeal set the tone for the entire day and no matter how hard we tried, we just couldn’t climb out of the chaos. The day was ruined…
I’m really hoping that we have a better day tomorrow.

Things are stressful enough without having to deal with needless drama. I’m so tired of needless drama……

This site is managed almost exclusively from my Samsung Galaxy Note 3. Please forgive any typos as auto-correct HATES me. 😉

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Couldn’t you give up punishing Gavin? He’s mentally ill, so normal parenting guidelines don’t apply, plus the research says kids like this don’t learn from punishment. It apparently leads to these tantrums that throw your whole house into chaos and psychologically harm your other children (and wife and animals). Wouldn’t the outcome be better if you just let the lying go?

Lost and Tired

That’s a good question. The problem is that if we don’t find a way to deter his behaviors, they simple escalate. It’s like he’s constantly testing us to see how we will react. If we do nothing, he will up the antie until we have no choice…..


It must be super super hard (especially given the number of seriously stressful things going on) to be tested all the time. Is there any way to coax him back from that escalation? What would happen if you said, “I have the sense that you are looking for trouble this morning. How about instead of that, we play a game of [Crazy Eights, Minecraft, whatever]” How would that go? Would he be capable of being diverted that way? Or would you end up in the same place as before?