Today is take the kids to the playground day

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  • Post last modified:June 9, 2013

Good morning class..

Our main focus today is going to be getting the kids to the playground.  It’s been a really long week, filled with stress and anxiety. 

Not only do we want to leave this week on a good note, we also want to begin the new one the same way. 

The boys love the playground and we love taking pictures of them on the playground.  Much like chocolate and peanut butter, they just got well together..  🙂

We haven’t decided which playground to grace with our presence today but the kids have their favorites, so we probably won’t venture to far outside of the box.

One of the things that we want to do this summer is setup play dates for Elliott.  We figured we could start out by meeting at the playground.  I’d love to do the same for Gavin but I fear he would be to excitable and that would be dangerous.  We’ll have to figure something else out.


Emmett will likely tag along with Elliott and his friend because they are so close in age.

When Emmett starts school in the fall, we will don’t he same for him and his friends. 

Hopefully, we’ll be able to do this on a fairly regular basis this summer.  I want the boys to be able to build relationships with their peers and have fun, just being a kid. 

For today though, it will just be us and we can make plans for the future.  🙂

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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