Summing up my experience at The Converge Autism Summit

At the end of April, I drove to Greenville, South Carolina. They invited me to attend and promote The National Converge Autism Summit, put on by Springbrook Autism Behavioral Health. This was the first time I agreed to attend anything like this before, especially in person. It's been a few weeks, and the dust has settled. I wanted to share how the trip went, and talk a little about my first experience of attending a conference. First, my purpose for being there was to promote the conference. That included documenting my experiences, sharing on social media, and interviewing the keynote speakers. This was a great opportunity to grow professionally, and I took full advantage. It's not every day that I get a chance to sit down with Temple Grandin and…

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I’m just gonna leave this here

I'm exhausted and I'm leaving super early so I can get home to my loved ones. I'll be sharing all about my trip after I settle back in and catch my breath. I just wanted give you some idea of how today went. I can't wait for this episode to come out. Be sure to follow me on Instagram because there's a bunch of video from the trip that you can only see there. ο˜‰ I'm just gonna leave this here..

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