Where to begin……

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  • Post last modified:June 5, 2010

Where to begin? I have been slacking a bit on posting mostly cause I’ve been in lots of pain and my computer needed to be shown who’s boss.

Lizze had an absolutely brilliant day. She got EJ and G appointments at the children’s hospital. EJ goes later this month and G goes next month. She got a lot accomplished on the medical front today. Great job honey. I know she worked through a tremendous amount of pain today and I’m grateful for all she did.

ER had another nightmare last night that ended with him and I downstairs on the living room couches. Not real comfortable for me but he felt better so…..

EJ has been fighting us on wearing shirts. He can’t seem to tolerate the seams. He totally freaks out until we take it off. We are going to have to find some sensory friendly shirts for him. He woke up tonight screaming again like he was in pain. We finally got him back to bed and we are going there ourselves. Big thunderstorm outside and I have to porch door off our second floor bedroom open. I love storms. I’m laying here and I can smell a house fire. Hope everyone made it out ok. I heard the trucks a bit earlier. Sometimes I really miss the fire department but mostly the guys.

G is really struggling. He just continues to regress and no one seems to know why. It’s like he is becoming more infantile, if that makes any sense. He seems to be struggling with identifying objects. Like we asked him to take the bucket of cars and put them away. Lizze was actually handing him the bucket and he kept picking up a book off the table like that’s what we wanted him to do. We are working to get him whatever help he needs but it takes time. That’s the really frustrating part is the waiting. It’s all we have to do sometimes. We are getting him into camps so he doesn’t lose any of the social skills he learned our the past school year.

Today is my Grandmother’s 85th birthday. I wish we could go see her but right now the kids, mainly EJ and G wouldn’t do well. One of the many sacrifices what have to be made when special needs kids are concerned.

Hopefully everyone is doing better in the morning including myself.

Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry by LT

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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