Toy Story 3 and the aspergers child

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  • Post last modified:June 27, 2010

We just got back and the movie was good. Gavin would have never have made it through the first 20 mins. Way to intense for an aspergers child with anxiety issues. We have been doing this for so long now we look at each other at the same time and say Gavin would be freaking out right now.

As a special needs parent knowing your child’s limitations become second. We don’t even realize we are doing it most of the time. I think it’s one of those things nature adds to our pile of resources. Lizze and I both knew we made a good choice to send Gavin somewhere else after the movie was done. Elliott Richard and Emmett John were fine. Er made it through the whole movie and wanted to go again. EJ got tired the last 10 minutes or so. Gavin would not have made it at all. Maybe when it comes out on Blu-Ray he can watch it. If he’s sitting at home where he knows he’s safe he might be ok. We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.

Just be careful if your thinking of taking your aspergers or high anxiety child to the movie. It gets pretty intense and I know it would have been way to much for our aspy. Great movie just not very sensory friendly.


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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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