Overwhelmed and underpaid

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  • Post last modified:December 12, 2010

I went to the grocery store today before the snow hit just in case we got snowed in. I haven’t been this overwhelmed in a while. This is the first time I was trying to find things Emmett could eat. I walked aimlessly up and down the aisles without a clue. We have been reading for days but still have no idea what to do. I found a few small things he could eat for now and will try to go back Monday armed with better intel.  Things are already getting bad cause Emmett won’t deal with the other kids eating something he can’t. I have been feeding everyone at different times and/or places so nothing is thrown in his face so to speak. Not an easy task.

Gavin has been melting down all weekend. He had oatmeal for lunch and dinner. He is out of control and getting worse. I really think he needs more help then we are able to give him. we have about a month till he sees the movement specialist. After that we can potentially revisit medications….

Lizze is really struggling as well. She can literally barely keep her eyes open anymore. We need to find her some relief ASAP. I don’t know how much longer she can keep this up. We have a week full of appointments and car repairs. Emmett goes for his Autism evaluation on Wednesday. That is supposed to take most of the day. Now that the the genetic testing has been done the next Autism and Speech eval will hopefully gets us more information then we have now.

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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