Announcing “Android 4 Autism”

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  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:May 27, 2011

This message has gone out to the Android community tonight. I thought I would share it here as well. I’m really excited about this project. I think this can have a very positive impact. Many people are unable to afford an iPad. My goal to to be able to provide needy families with something they can use to help their child with. Android is now, more popular then apple’s iOS. So more and more development will shift to the Android platform or at least port over.


Hey fellow Android users and Autism supporters. I have been quietly working on something for a little while now and decided I would officially announce it. I wanted to announce it here because of all the Autism support generated by this community. So I would like to introduce “Android 4 Autism“. What Android 4 Autism will be doing is taking used (donated) Android devices, preferably Epic or EVO (due to the larger screen) and turning them into communication and learning tools for Autistic children. I’m working on securing software donations as well for pre-installation purposes.
Once received, the devices will be wiped and stripped down. Once completed, these devices will be donated to special needs families who couldn’t otherwise afford this technology for their child.
The reason I’m announcing this now is because we are about to hit a device turn over with the release of the Nexus S 4G and the pending EVO 3D and Galaxy S 2 releases.. We are a community that lives on the bleeding edge. I’m asking that if and when you upgrade your phone that you consider Android 4 Autism when deciding what to do with your old device. Bad ESN’s don’t matter as WiFi/Bluetooth would be the only needed connections. PLEASE consider this if and when you decide to upgrade. I’ll have more information available when I go live. I just wanted to plant the bug in your ear. Your old phone could change someone’s life.
Thanks everyone….
Below is an example of what Autistic children can do and learn with these phones.


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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Brilliant article! Thanks for sharing your experiences.


Thanks everyone for the support. I'm pretty excited about this. Hopefully I can get it off the ground.


I love it Rob! I know I have been thinking, and dismissing, thoughts of an iPad because of the expense (that, and the huge therapy bill we'll be sporting this summer). I have an Android phone – I wonder if I could do something like that with Logan at all. Something to think about. 🙂
My recent post Developmentally Disabled – label or hype I say …


What a FABULOUS idea!!! About time..Anyway I can help let me know.Please I will also help spread the word.