Color me ironic

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  • Post last modified:June 30, 2011

So Gavin was at the GI doctor yesterday. As it turns out he is pretty blocked up. They decided to give him a bowel prep in order to empty him out. Gavin needs more fiber in his diet because his psych meds are causing. him to be constipated.

That very pleasant experience will start tonight because he will have no where to be on Friday. He will need to stay….um…very close to…..home.

I mentioned irony in this post title. The reason for that is that they suggested he eat more…..wait for it…wait for it…..that’s right you guessed it, oatmeal. I explained about the whole oatmeal thing and she basically, that the oatmeal he had been eating likely helping to keep this from getting worse. See….ironic..huh..

The one thing that the social worker had issues with (when Gavin was in the psych unit) was the oatmeal. It was and is the right thing to BUT now we know it is helping him in more ways then one……

– Lost and Tired

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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