Almost $2000 was raised last night

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  • Reading time:1 mins read
  • Post last modified:July 28, 2011

The Radio Android Show raised almost $2000 for the Autism Society last night.

I want to say thank you to everyone for their support, especially everyone at Android Activist for putting this together. We definitely raised some money for a good cause and also raised Autism Awareness as well.

Thanks again Scotty for having me on the show.

– Lost and Tired

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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that’s awesome!!

Lost and Tired commented on Lost and Tired:

Lol, one of those days, huh? Every there done that. 😉


Whoops, that's embarassing. Posted the wrong link, it should be Although I may be headed in that direction, I do not as yet have a mental health disorder.


Hi! Just found your blog on an Android forum regarding this fundraiser. Thanks for speaking out! As a new ASD mom, I'm finding it helpful to hear others' stories. I have a blog also if you would like to read or post – Thanks!


Thanks for joining us, Rob. You are an inspiration to any father, more so because of your journey with your sons.

You can watch the replay of the entire show at or read a recap of the night's events at


My pleasure. I hope I helped. I'n happy to help if you need me again. We should time something to kick off Autism Awareness month in April 2012. We can build up attention over time and get more of the Android community involved.

Thanks again


Awesome!!! i'm sorry I missed it (teething toddler….) Glad it went so well!


Thanks Nikky