Emmett and OT Standardized Testing

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  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:August 18, 2011

Emmett is at OT and today is a special day.  He is running through the standardized testing to evaluate his progress. 

Watching this is making me want to cry because he is struggling with many of the fine motor things.  He looks so determined but his body simply can’t do it.

Times like this remind me that despite all the progress he has made,  we still have such a long way to go.

My heart is filled with pride for all he has accomplished but breaks for all his struggles.


– Lost and Tired

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Ah I see, we don't have an insurance system like yours down here so that didn't even occur to me! One of the advantages of all the videos and blogs you do is that you can go back and see just how far he's come 🙂


You are so right about that. That\’s one of the reasons I document everything. 🙂


The progress Emmett has made in day to day life is far far more important than a stupid number. Most standardised tests are poorly designed for kids on the spectrum and don't allow for speech and language delay..I wouldn't use one for a child under 4 unless I needed to generate a report for an education setting or something. Long story short, try not to get too worried about his results, at the rate he's going they'll be irrelevant in a few months anyway 🙂


Thanks Julia. He has to be re-evaluated for insurance. The OT said that he did really well. I guess some of the things he struggled on were more advanced things.

Thanks again