Today’s Victory: 02/05/2012

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  • Post last modified:February 6, 2012

Today’s Victory is brought to you by Gavin.  This one is actually a day late because I fell asleep before posting this.

This is a huge,  huge win for Gavin’s independence. 

Last night,  after Lizze and Emmett were in bed,  I gave Elliott a bath and Gavin needed a shower.  While I was bathing Elliott,  Gavin asked me if he could do his shower all by himself.

Reluctantly,  I said yes and reminded him to be very careful.  I paid close attention to what he was doing.

To my complete amazement,  Gavin started the shower and adjusted the temperature,  all by himself.  Then he showered and cleaned up -for the most part- as well. 

I’m so proud of him.  That is a huge win in the independence column for him.  He was quite proud of himself as well,  as he should be. 

I know many of you out there can appreciate the significance of something like this.

Hell freakin’ yeah Gavin.  Great job 🙂

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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YAY! I am such a proud Auntie right now 🙂 I <3 you Gavin! Great job buddy! You are on your way to becoming such a wonderful young MAN 🙂