How to pull everything off?

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  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:February 19, 2012

This weather is taking its toll on Lizze. I have never seen her in so much pain.. When I say this, but I mean it literally. Every inch of her body is in excruciating pain..

She showed me her tremors last night and they are really getting bad.. The medication she is taking, I no longer seems to be working. The only thing it does is make her sleep.

We have so much coming up this month and I have no idea how I’m gonna pull it off on my own.

In Monday, my Mom is going to watch Elliott and Lizze’s Dad is going to take Gavin to his antibody infusion.

We have to be with Emmett at the Rheumatologist the same time Gavin has to be in Oncology. The only way to do it is to enlist help..

Gavin does well with the infusions so he’ll be fine with someone else there. Emmett on the other hand, has a really big appointment, and if possible, Lizze and I should both be there. We have no idea what to expect and we need answers for Emmett.

However,  I’m not sure if Lizze will be able to make the trip. 

When the weather is this cold or the temperature changes rapidly,  Lizze goes down hill fast.  Her body can’t cope with the extreme weather. I have the heat cranked up in the house and even got her an electric blanket but it doesn’t seem to provide her with much relief.

This is going to be a tough week as we have 12 appointments that I can think of just off the top of my head.

We also have to hire an attorney help with Lizze’s disability. 

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Are you sure it's the weather and not the barometric pressure changes in the air that's causing her health to decline like that? Just wondering. I hope you guys can pull it off without too much trouble. -hugs-