When good news means bad news

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  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:February 27, 2012

Lizze had her EMG done this morning.  She was having this done because her legs go between numb and pain. This has been getting worse as time goes on.

My understanding was that we were looking for neuropathy and if it wasn’t found that would be good news.

Apparently Lizze and I weren’t on the same page.

Well,  I’m getting ahead of myself.

Lizze underwent the procedure and it took about 20 minutes.  It actually went very well.  While it was unpleasant,  it was nothing like the last time. She said that if she knew it was going to be like this,  she wouldn’t have worried.

The doctor walked her out when she was done and told us that everything was normal and that her legs were fine.

I was like,  alright,  that’s great news.  However, after saying that,  Lizze looked at me like I was crazy. This is where the Lizze and I not being on the same Page comes  into play.

Apparently,  this was one of those,  she thought she told me,  and maybe she did,  but I have no memory of this conversation kinda thing.  Anyway,  her neurologist thinks the problem is in her back,  her spine, to be more specific.

Insurance wouldn’t cover the MRI she needs until the EMG was performed first. While I thought it was good news we received this morning,  apparently,  all it does is confirm that the problem is likely her back. 

This is a pretty big miscommunication if you ask me.

Now we have to wait to find out when the MRI will take place. WTF,  only we would hear good news that is actually bad news.

**Thanks for reading**

       -Lost and Tired

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Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive the typos. Auto-correct and I don’t get along very well.

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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I know that when I was having insane pain and unusual symptoms, doctors kept saying that it was a good thing when their tests showed that everything was normal. To me, it was anything but good. I was in pain, I kept falling, I couldn't think clearly. In short, I couldn't function. There was definitely something wrong with me.

I would have gladly accepted any diagnosis that wasn't terminal. A diagnosis meant treatment. A diagnosis meant knowledge of what could happen to me in the future. A diagnosis meant that nobody could insinuate that it was all in my head.


I totally agree with you. Sometimes you just need answers, or for someone to identify your in pain. It\’s got to be frustrated when no one can see the bruises, even though they feel like they are there.



She will likely be given something like Ativan or Xanax. It will take the edge off and she won't experience as much anxiety. Hopefully we can get this done and out of the way soon.

Thanks for the advice 🙂

Ann Marie Hake Hughes

The problem for knocking you out for an MRI is that they have to have anesthesiology on board, and oxygen in the room, so it has to be in a hospital that does that, including keeping O2 tanks in the room that are NOT magnetic. So there are different things required there. I know, because my son has to be sedated for them. But I think you can get a tranquilizer or something in advance? I'd check if that's an issue.


tell her I said ask for a tranquilizer or something before the MRI. I BARELY made it through! 🙁 I wished they coulda just knocked me out and woke me when it was over.