Time to join me and get Fit4Autism

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  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post last modified:March 21, 2012

I came up with the idea of “Fit4Autism” last year. It’s kind of a play on word’s. However, it’s way more then that. As special needs parents we need to be able to take care of our children for as long as possible. The unfortunate truth is that many of us dedicate so much time and energy to our children that we fail to take care of ourselves.

Fit4Autism” is a challenge I’ve issued to myself and now to you. That challenge is to start doing things to improve your overall health and fitness. Simple things like eating healthier and becoming more physically active. Parking farther away from the store (when possible) or simply walking. As a father to 3 special needs kids (all Autistic) I know how difficult it is to make the time to do this but honestly we can’t afford not to. Who will be their for our kids if we aren’t. We owe it to them as well as ourselves to be as happy and healthy as possible for as long as possible.

If you would like to join “Fit4Autism” send and email to rob@lostandtired.com

I’ll get an invite off to you right away. Everything is tracked via www.endomondo.com. My hope is that I get as many people to join as possible. There’s motivation and encouragement in numbers. Endomondo works no matter where you are in the world. The more we have the more attention we can get and the more Autism awareness we can spread. Anyone wanting to support the cause is welcomed to join. We owe our kids healthy parents and this is what I’m doing to make sure my kids have that. Join “Fit4Autism” today and improve your health while increasing Autism Awareness.

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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