Emmett snuck out of the house

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  • Reading time:1 mins read
  • Post last modified:June 9, 2012

Yesterday,  Emmett and I went over to visit with our neighbors and let Bella play with their Rosy. After awhile,  Lizze and Gavin joined us and Emmett and I took Bella home. 

While I was putting Bella in her kenel,  because we were getting ready to run some errands,  Emmett dashed out of the house,  across the alley and onto my neighbors porch.

I went running after him as quickly as I physically could.  I shouted over to Lizze that he was loose and she snagged him.

Emmett ran across a busy and dangerous alley without looking and scared me to death.  Luckily,  Emmett is our only runner and he’s only done this a few times. However,  I can easily see this as a problem and one that I will have to very quick in addressing. I’m grateful that Emmett was unharmed but things could have been very different.

I literally let my guard down for like 30 seconds and he was gone. This was very scary for me and an eye opener as well.

We are going to have to pay even closer attention room Emmett and where he is at all times.

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Speidel Family

Oh yeah! Some of us parents so get where you're coming from. Yesterday we were getting ready to paint the garage roof. Derek climbed the ladder and was doing a dance on the ridgepole, in Crocs! He slipped and caught himself. Fortunately Grandma next door saw him and called us, but what if it had been some meddlesome passer-by? I won't even start on the busy road subject. Been there, done that.