As far as Mondays go, this is a doozy

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  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post last modified:June 18, 2012

Looks like this week isn’t starting off well.  Lizze’s migraine is so bad that her neurologist has scheduled an occipital nerve block for next Friday. However,  insurance is refusing to pay for it. 

You may recall last year,  insurance refused to pay for Lizze’s compete hysterectomy.  This was a medically necessary procedure.  We had the chief of medicine of one hospital,  administration of another hospital and several other doctors confirm the necessity of the operation and still insurance refused to pay for it.

We ended up having to foot the bill for a $14,000 procedure out of pocket.

I have little hope that they will come around to this one. However,  what choice do I have? Lizze has had this migraine for going on 6 months now. She needs to find relief and there are absolutely no other options.

I would like to know,  what exactly am I supposed to do?

We also have to find a new psychiatrist for Gavin and Elliott.  Finding one for Gavin is no easy task. We are going to have to go to Cleveland to find someone qualified enough to help him. Elliott on the other hand can be treated by his pediatrician.

Speaking of pediatricians,  ours is leaving the practice.  Due to the complicated nature of our children we will be returning to our original pediatrician.  He left the practice awhile ago and at the time,  we didn’t have reliable transportation to travel 45 minutes to his new location. However,  now we don’t really have a choice.  We drive up to the same city now to see the neurologist anyways.

Speaking of neurologists, Gavin is having break through seizures and fairly severe tremors. Needless to say,  this isn’t good.

It’s only Monday and still the beginning of a very long summer. 

**Thanks for reading**

       -Lost and Tired

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Tapdancing Lexicon

My first reaction was 'move to the UK!'

The thought of people paying for medically neccessary healthcare just seems so weird to me.
My recent post What I’m Reading 6.2