Behavioral Crisis: The Good, Bad and Ugly

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  • Post last modified:July 25, 2012

Akron Children’s Hospital just called to let me know that Gavin is ready for pick up anytime today.

We also learned why Gavin‘s lithium level was so high. 

Apparently,  when they took his blood the other day in order to check his levels,  they did so shortly after he took his medications.  That is why his levels are so high. His levels are back to . 7 once again.

That’s obviously a good thing.

I wish they would have caught this a bit sooner because we have been in a panic since yesterday.

I have a call into Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, as they do inpatient care. Other than that,  Gavin‘s coming home this afternoon and not only are we worried but ill prepared.

Nothing has changed with him.  The only thing that came or may come out of this whole friggin ordeal,  is the implementation of more services.

That would be a very positive thing.  Hopefully,  something will happen and we’ll find ourselves with more help than we had prior. On the other hand,  at least this time around,  they saw what we have been telling them for years.

In some weird way that at least validates what we go through.  Does that make sense?

I can’t keep my eyes open because since yesterday mornings phone call and the whole lithium level thing,  I have been riding an adrenaline high.  While the news we received today is good,  it was anticlimactic.  Instead of burning off the adrenaline, I just crashed.

It’s very much like when I was a medic.  I would get called out in the middle of the night for an unresponsive baby.  Adrenaline kicks in and my heart is racing.  Then I crash because,  instead of having to work the call and having it come to a conclusion,  either good or bad, we gets called off at the last second. 

It’s really hard to explain.

Anyway,  the boys are going to my parents in a little bit and Lizze and I will go retrieve Gavin for the hospital and bring him home, again.

**Thanks for reading**

       -Lost and Tired

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This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct is working against me.

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Okay, will pray for services. Good luck and be safe. 24 hr supervision is very difficult, did it for 18 months, with one memorable crying jag (mine) that went on for about 3 days. Realized after that there was not much chance of change, so I figured out I had no choice but to deal. Not exactly quality of life, is it! Will be praying for peace in the Lost Household.


Glad to hear about the lithium. And yes, it makes total sense. People often think we are exaggerating until they see it themselves. I know this was the case with my family. They thought we were embellishing Sage's meltdowns till he did it in front of them for no discernible reason.

Glad things seem to be getting a touch better, Rob. Hopefully things will continue rolling that way… Mike M.