Leaving school early

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  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:September 4, 2012

The school year has just begun and already the schedule is getting a bit crazy. Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s,  we have to pick the boys up from school 30 minutes early.

We then have to race to get 2 of the 3 boys to speech and occupational therapy. 

I hate that we have to pull the kids out early, in order to get her to therapy.  I especially dislike having to pull them out on their first day back. 🙁

However, at least their able to go to ther. apy and the school is working with us.. It could always be worse. 

This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct hate me.

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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When my 5 children were little, I spent all my time on the road.  The youngest child had therapy of one kind or another every day of the week from the time he was 9 months old (it took that long to get a diagnosis of cerebral palsy).  His sessions were all scheduled in the morning and the youngest girl had to ride along.  Then the oldest girl had therapy in the afternoon before school let out, so I would drive across town to her school (20 minutes to get there if the drawbridge gods were with me and 15 more to sign her out) and then drive downtown to get her to the hospital (15 more minutes) then park and walk to the PT floor (15 minutes if the stroller cooperated and the 2 younger children throwing up or throwing a fit).  By the time I got her to her session, I had been on the move for over an hour.  Her sessions lasted an hour and she went 2 days a week to PT and 2 days a week to OT (which was at the same location as the PT).  There was no attempt to coordinate appointments, there was no case manager, I was left to struggle along as best I could and had to guess when one of the children needed something more than they were getting.  The school systems did not provide any therapy or even try to find a place for it on campus.  
{This was back in the early 90s in Florida and I spent more time cursing drawbridges than  anything else in my life (we lived on an island in the Gulf).  The younger girl show the exact same pattern of development that the older girl did, but it was all put down to her copying her older sister.  She received no therapy until she was 5, when she was diagnosed with autism in Virginia.}   
The problems with coordinating schooling and therapy sessions are easier now that the schools are held to a higher standard than they were in the past, but we still have problems when one of the kids winds up in the hospital for a week of medication stabilization and intensive psychiatric intervention.  The schools out in the boonies where we live are still more inclined to deny the absences as excused than the city schools.  
Now I'm tired from just relating this!


hello, can i ask you a question, i have 4 years son, he speaks only words, not sentences. can you tell me which therapy helps you most? 🙂


 @tikotik30354578 Speech therapy is likely the way to go. But also working with him on a daily basis and using good conversation skill when speaking to him. Let me know if there is anything else I can do. I’m here to help and it’s never a bother 🙂