Goodbye and Good Riddance

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  • Post last modified:September 25, 2012

I can’t believe I neglected to announce this yesterday but better late than never.  I mentioned yesterday that Emmett blood panel came back and we heard from his immunologist.

As you may or may not recall, Emmett had allergies to milk,  lactose,  egg and soy. 

This has been very difficult to accommodate without going vegan. We managed to make it work for the last 3 years or so but at a huge expense. 

Having said that,  we received word yesterday that Emmett is now, completely allergy free, at least as far as food goes.  This should make life, just a little bit easier.

He is no longer limited to things like coconut milk based products. Those are insanely overpriced as you can see here in this picture.  This ice cream was a staple in Emmett’s diet when he experienced a flare up of mouth sores.


He is free to eat just about anything he wants.  We are however, taking things slow because his system isn’t used to those items and so we don’t want to shock his body by giving him to much at first. 

We are a little bit nervous about reintroducing these things into his diet because he used to get really sick and projectile vomit anytime he consumed milk.

We’ve been sneaking in things with milk in it a little bit at a time over the past few months.  He seemed to be doing fine.  This is called a food challenge.

We are all very excited to she Emmett’s food allergies being evicted.  To them I say,  goodbye and good riddance.  Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.  🙂

This is what Emmett had for dinner last night.  A bowl of my super awesome and veggie packed,  chicken noodle soup.  Notice the glass of regular milk?  That’s right,  regular milk. 


This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct hate me.

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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@KarensRomance thank you for the share. 🙂


@Lost_and_Tired A pleasure! Thank you.


 @DLaubacher @Mary Franzen Costello  @MicheleChaney @OnyxPanthyr @SarahBolier @dotdash Thanks everyone/ We are really happy about this as well. Hopefully this will work out and things will be a bit easier.


Your soup looks great.  How do you hide the vegetables?  Are they ground up?


That's great news!  🙂
I try to avoid soy though unless it's organic.  I think the latest stats are that 93% of the soy grown in the US is GMO.  No need to put that into his sensitive system since the GMO soy can have the potential to carry more allergens.  Also, I don't know your laws where you live, but if you can get fresh raw milk on occasion straight from the farm, that's a wonderful source of healthy bacteria.  There are many people who can't drink pasteurized milk but thrive on raw milk.  And even though I've yet to try it, I hear goat's milk is pretty yummy too.


Welcome to my world 🙂  Do be careful, because one of my allergy kids has never outgrown the egg allergy, (or the one with the peanut one, lethal – carries an epi-pen), and one reintroduced dairy (milk mostly), and over a 6 month period, the allergy began again 🙁  He drinks Rice Dream original enriched; my other son drinks Almond Breeze (chocolate) and yes, it's a pricey diet for sure.  But in our case we are saving on co-pays for doctor visits that leech our wallet away!  I know you'll move cautiously with all of it.  I myself have felt much better being dairy free (and wheat free) as I'm an allergy person myself — and old one ahem…and some of the allergies have calmed, and I did go for desensitizing at Canton Allergy Lab (Dr. Ossakow), but 4.5 years many years back and it did wonders for my year round seasonal allergies.



Mary Franzen Costell

I felt great, not Greg. Damn autocorrect.

Mary Franzen Costell

Hip hip hooray! I was on dairy/soy free diet when I nursed…my kids all had milk/soy protein intolerance, not allergies, and they luckily outgrew them. I felt Greg on the diet, but it was soooo hard. I went without cheese for 6 months at a time. 17 years ago there wasn't much on the market. I went so far as to make cheese sauce out of cashews and mustard. Weirdbut oddly satisfying on such a strict diet. Now we r gluten free but it's much easier these days. I'm so happy for Emmett's palate and your budget.


That is GREAT!