The aftermath of the tantrums

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  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:September 30, 2012

I wanted to take a few minutes and talk about the fallout from yesterday’s RAD tantrum. Elliott was probably the most visibly affected by the events of yesterday.

He doesn’t want to be in his room alone. When there,  he breaks down in tears.

Elliott is so anxious to start with that these tantrums push him over the edge. It can take days for him to relax and come down from his anxiety high.

How stress affects the body

On the other hand we have Emmett. 

Emmett tends to become more easily frustrated and therefore more aggressive. This also makes him much less cooperative.

Lizze is barely able to move today as she in a fibro flare.  There’s no doubt that the stress from yesterday has exacerbated her symptoms. Stress is a fibro sufferers worst enemy.

Life takes upwards of a few days at times,  to return to “normal”.

It’s important to understand that simply because the tantrum has ended, doesn’t mean it’s over.  🙁

This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct hate me.

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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My 2 yr old is really affected by the tantrums here too. She suffers from sleep issues and anxiety already:( i can't leave her side after a tantrum. She shakes and cries. It really saddens me:( i wish i could make this stuff better! i do my best to have alone time with her or take her out of the house as often as possible.


 @KarimanElgoharyShama I totally feel for you. I have the same problem with Elliott and Emmett and I try to do the same thing for them.


 @KarimanElgoharyShama Does she have a pet that she can sit and stroke?  Like a cat or dog or chinchilla/bunny?  Stroking fur of a pet has been proven to reduce stress, especially after an episode.  It lowers the blood pressure.  


@Batty @KarimanElgoharyShama that's a great idea as long as you can keep the pet safe.


Rob–is Gavin resting on his laurels today?  (Just curious because the child I knew with RAD would be so very pleased himself for disrupting the family the previous day.)  Is he calm or still upset that he didn't get his way? 


 @Batty He was actually calmer today. I never actually put that together but you may be on to something there. 


This is so true, about the "hangover" of stressful situations.  I can feel it in my body for hours after a wrangle with my daughter — I just feel sick.  It must be so much worse for smaller children and Lizze with her chronic illness, but it's bad for anyone.   Important post.  


 @dotdash very well said. 🙂


Rob and Lizze, as a woman who suffers from severe fibromyalgia, this breaks my heart to no end!  I'm sorry, this makes me so angry for your family to be held hostage by those tantrums; and for the E's to suffer the consequences of Gavin's unspeakable behavior.  No matter what well-meaning people say, you and Lizze have sacrificed your very lives for Gavin.   I said extra prayers in church for support of you and for  residential placement to come fast. I'm sorry but your family deserves safety, a bit of peace, and to not live in fear constantly of Gavin hurting himself and your family and Maggie and Bella.  Not to mention his horrible behavior to the beautiful E's  Gavin needs far more help than any family member or friend is equipped to give, he needs several trained professionals 24/7, although you and Lizze demonstrate SUPER HUMAN courage, strength, and bravery.  Although I'm a single woman and don't have children, when I have had many, many horrible days and bouts of depression (I suffer from that also) I look at you and Lizze as role models for not quitting and to hang in there no matter what.  My best to you and Lizze and family.  I so feel for Lizze with the fibromyalgia flares and migraines, what a brave woman she is.


 @MaryAnn47 thank you so much. That really means a great deal to us. 🙂