Something that I absolutely love to do, is help other people share their personal experience with #Autism. Sometimes the experience is that of a parent of someone with #Autism and other times it’s a person with #Autism that wants to share their story.
I always feel so honored that anyone would want to share of piece of their lives with not only me, but my readers as well.
Lost and Tired is a place that openly embraces and accepts everyone. I know that everyone has a story and everyone has different life experience.
I don’t take issue with a persons personal views or opinions. For example, there is so much division in the #Autism community over things like vaccines, treatments, approaches to #Autism and even terminology.
Lost and Tired stands for something that transcends those differences and calls attention to all of our commonalities instead. I openly encourage people to embrace our differences and learn from each other.
We have to recognize that everyone’s experience with something like #Autism can and will be profoundly different from the next persons.
For example, there may be two different families, each raising a child with Aspergers. While each child is technically diagnosed with the same disorder, that doesn’t mean that they are the same. It would be foolish and irresponsible to assume that both families are struggling with the same problems or celebrating the same victories.
I think that we, as a community, need to reach across party lines, so to speak and bridge the gaps that divide us.
Having said that, this is what I’m going to do to help.
I’m going to quote a previous post, where I extended this invitation to everyone.
I have been at this blogging thing for quite sometime now. I have recently decided to build up my network. To do so, I have begun building an Atomic Tribe over at Triberr.
Feel free to join and help the network grow. You must have an active twitter account and it doesn’t matter if it’s special needs related or not. Click Here to request an invite.
Basically, this allows me to to leverage Twitter to help share my family’s story and spread #Autism and special needs parenting awareness.
Right now, my network has a reach of almost 2 million people and it’s growing every day. This network extends not only to the #Autism and special needs community but also far into the general public as well. This is important because in order to spread effective awareness, we have to not only reach those within the community but also those outside the community.
What I would like to do is this. I want to leverage my network and help you share your story or #Autism/Special needs related website/blog.
This would happen by the way of guest posting.
All you need to do is send me a message via my Contact Me page at the top of the screen or by following the link. Tell me a bit about yourself and what you would like to share.
Please use the words “Stories of #Autism” in the message title, so your email doesn’t get lost.
I’ll get back to you, hopefully within 24 hours.
If you want to streamline things a bit, go ahead and send me what you would like to share and I’ll get it scheduled for publishing.
I’m thinking that I’ll share a story every week. This will give each person a significant amount of attention. This can help call attention to your message and blog/site.
Basically, this can help to share your story with more people and attract more readers. Plus, your story will be helping people to better understand that everyone’s story is different.
I don’t really have any restrictions for posting except the following:
1) Please be honest.
2) It doesn’t have to be positive or negative. I just want you to share your experience.
3) Please limit your story to 1500 words or less. I know that can be difficult but please do your best. If you absolutely can’t, contact me and I can make an exception.
4) Please include how you would like to be addressed, by name or anonymous.
5) Also include any links to your related blog, website or facebook page ect. Note that all links will be checked.
6) PLEASE do not submit your request via Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or any other social network. Requests must be received via email or they can’t be accepted.
Let me know if your interested. 🙂
How does this sound to everyone?
I already have enough stories to share one per week for the next month or so. Depending on the response, I may do two stories per week in order to help more people.
Please let me know your thoughts on this.
writing can be awesome therapy for some. I think you're on to a good idea. Good luck and best wishes!
@good_boy_roy Thanks for the RT! #Autism