Meeting with the Nutritionist today was very informative. There is a lot that we are doing right and quite a bit we need to address.
Elliott is losing weight and we need to address that. The problem is that he is anxious, depressed and has aspergers with a plethora of sensory issues. Getting him to eat on a good day is hard enough.
However, enter a serious food allergy and now meal times become even more of a challenge than they already were..
We hit the grocery store on the way home, armed with knowledge and a wealth of new information.
All I can say at this point is holy crap.
This isn’t going to be easy or cheap. I’m feeling pretty overwhelmed at the moment.
Our son has severe food allergies where he is actually on a formula called ELECARE JR. It is very expensive. his allergies are wheat gluten milk eggs casien rice soy beef pork garlic carrots the list goes on
@begemannf wow. How do you manage to avoid that all? Is his main source of nutrition the formula?
@lostandtired …. Yes it is. And there is a few things he can eat, but just watch and make sure his sister doesnt give him anything, read labels, and wipe down everything. Its hard, tiring, and stressful. But i rather it be hard, tiring and stressful instead of at the ER wondering if i got him there in time. Carrots swelled his throat close (any foods he is allergic too does) but the doctor said if i would of waited any longer it could of ended badly 🙁 he is just now 3 that happen right before he turned 2.
Would it help to get him involved with helping with the meals? Maybe if he could help (to some degree) with getting the meal together it wouldn’t seem too bad to him and perhaps let him feel like he has some control as to what is being made.
@Melisssssa that’s something we do now. It doesn’t seem to help much. I don’t know what the root cause of this thing is. I just know we have to help him through this.