How has becoming an #Autism parent changed you?

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  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:August 12, 2013

It’s so important that we have an open dialog about things relating to Autism and Parenting.  When people outside the community read these discussions, they gain massive amounts of insight and Autism Awareness.


Yesterday, we shared what we missed the most about our lives before becoming an Autism parent.  We had a fantastic response and you all answered very honestly and learned a great deal from each other.

Today, we are going to turn things around a little bit and discuss how becoming and Autism parent has changed us….for better or worse.

Please share your experience in the comments below.  Let help to bring Awareness to the public, while connecting with and learning more about each other. 🙂


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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Jen Garibaldi

I keep to myself more. I’m more serious. I appreciate the small things more.

Marc Tomor

I’m more focused on keeping myself healthy then ever…no drinking, hit the weights regularly, see doctors regularly …all because I need to try and be here for my son…I’d love to get a motorcycle but no way in heck will I…Nothing risky …..Its a lot of pressure when you think about it…..There’s nobody to take care of him if something happens…..

Angela McDonough

I have more tolerance

Alicia Cross

Honestly I dont think it has, I believe I has meant to raise my boys and love them because I dont think many others could do it.

Lost and Tired

@Alicia Cross Lost and Tired  Tammymcgann @Donna Holland @LaTonya Banks @Shelly Morrison AspieMum thanks for sharing everyone.  Your honesty and feedback is amazing.  @Tammymcgann this is absolutely a safe place to say that.  I think many of us could say the same thing.


That my evil dreams of baking cookies that taste and sell better than those of the other PTA moms (’cause honestly, I can make a mean cookie!) have now been replaced by IEP meetings?  And by “goals” that you reached when you were 3 years-old?  (Can you tell I’m having a rough day?)  Despite the fact that I FIGHT DAY IN AND DAY OUT FOR MY SON, it doesn’t change what my original dreams had been.  Sigh. .  .


Um, haven’t read any of the other comments, but is this a safe place to say that all of my former hopes and dreams are lost?

Lost and Tired

@LaTonya Banks @Alicia Cross @Donna Holland AspieMum @Shelly Morrison Thank you everyone for such great and honest feedback. It’s nice to see how similar we all are. 🙂


If it wasn’t for my kids having special needs (for 2 out of the 3 this turned out to be Autistic Spectrum Disorders) I would never have heard of Aspergers Syndrome, never know I have it & still be struggling with not being able to hold down a job, make/keep friends, etc with no idea why. I would also not have been able to develop a relationship with my parents because they would still be trying to force me to be normal, even at 44, every time I have any contact with them. Not knowing about Aspergers & that I have it combined with a school psychologist in the 70s basically diagnosing me as normal I had it resulted in me believing my parents hated me & feeling bullied by them due to them trying to force me to be normal (which they never defined but I got in trouble every time I wasn’t whatever their idea of normal is). I now have a reasonably OK relationship with my parents that would never have been possible as I would never have met the Sure Start special needs folk who spotted my Aspergers & the ASDs in my twins. My ex used my Aspergers as an excuse when he abused us but he would have used a different excuse & I would not have had the crucial support from my parents to protect us from Social Services & CAFCASS & the courts from being determined to ensure my ex could continue to freely abuse all 4 of us with their encouragement in effect (they were insisting he haveunsupervised time with the kids, free access to our house, etc & social services even said I had to control his behaviour so he wasn’t even being held accountable for his actions). So while being a carer has made making friends well nigh on impossible instead of simply extremely difficult & I struggle with loneliness I have gained far more than I have lost compared with had my kids not had special needs.

LaTonya Banks

I have more patience

Donna Holland

Wow my son is 30′ always said I would write a book. Nows not the time, not enough space : /0

Alicia Cross

I hate yelling and all the stress but I have learned to enjoy the smaller things in life and slow down from my youngest. I have also learned that I have more strength than I ever told from my oldest.

Shelly Morrison

I can’t stand myself since becoming an autism parent.