I have some amazingly good news to share :-)

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  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post last modified:October 21, 2013

Today is a big day for us because we should finally be getting out Natural Gas turned back on after being disconnected for most of the summer.  It’s been a challenge to get this fixed and the amount of money needed to correct this has changed a few times due to some computer issues.

It’s a long story but there were some billing mistakes made on the Gas Company’s part, as well as mistakes made on my end also.. 


We’ve made this work for the last few months and being able to put this behind us is something I really look forward to.  My goal is to get this paid in the morning and have it turned back on before the boys get home from school. 

I want to very humbly, thank everyone that helped make this possible. I appreciate all the thoughts and prayers as well. We had a lot of help and support that we are unbelievably grateful for.  I won’t single anyone out but you all know who you are.  🙂

Thank you for helping my family in our time of need. 

If all goes well and we don’t hit anymore hangups, we should be able to put this behind us in the next few hours.  I will let you all know how it goes and once again, please accept my most humble thanks.  🙂

This site is managed almost exclusively from my Samsung Galaxy Note 3. Please forgive any typos as auto-correct HATES me. 😉

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Stephanie Roush Roberts


Angela Seitz

I want to “like” this 1000x 🙂

Kris Rollins

Yay! Happy for you!


great I am so glad to hear it. I saw that beautiful picture the other day and saw the space heater right by Gavin and still didnt have one dime to send you to get that damn gas on. then (as I am talking to myself) i am talking to myself with the list of you are great parents and know the space heater risk, you are doing the best you can,you watch the kids, it is cold. you gotta do what you gotta do. please don’t take this or any other post as negative EVER. I am an over worrier, lizzie loves her kids with the kind of fierce love i have for mine and I felt for her because she knew about that space heater and probably worried like I did (that is why i didnt say anything earlier) and her pic huggin with one of the kids was so beautiful and i loved it that the boys have that great pic with/for you even though it was excrutiating for you. You have done such a great job on the empathy with them. that is something that will help them all their life.


AWESOME news! SO very happy for your family! 🙂