I overreacted just a little bit but I’m still learning to be a special needs parent

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  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post last modified:November 26, 2013

Okay…. Big Exhale…

We just heard back from Gavin’s immunologist at Akron Children’s Hospital.  She called us back personally because, well, that’s what she does.  She said that it’s perfectly acceptable that Gavin’s sick. It’s most likely the virus that’s going around right now. 

She said that he will have a sore throat, runny nose, congestion, a cough and then get better. 

We also learned that his antibody levels have been doing better since his IVIG dosage increase, so he should be fine.  We have to be careful and keep him home but his donated immune system should be able to fight this off. 

We have to continue his rescue inhaler and call her in the morning or on Friday is anything changes.  She also called in a script for benadryl to help dry him out. 

He needs to rest and give his body a chance fight this off. 

I think I overreacted just a little bit.  In all fairness though, in this situation, I think it’s better to overreact than underreact. We’ve never had him sick since we found out about his Immunodeficiency. I totally panicked and I’m okay admitting that. 

It looks like it’s going to be just fine. ….and now we know. 🙂

This site is managed almost exclusively from my Samsung Galaxy Note 3. Please forgive any typos as auto-correct HATES me. 😉

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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I know how that is.. tough when they won’t eat.. I have a secret weapon.. homemade chocolate milk thrown in the blender with three tablespoons of oil (not coconut oil). Blend it up, add a little extra sweetner if you need to. Instant weight gainer.. used it often on my youngest. He finally hit forty lbs. yay!

Lost and Tired

rjones22 redthread16 thanks all.  🙂  As for family helping, we do have family that can help on a limited basis.  I am really stressed out, that’s no secret.  Elliott and not eating is really worrying me because he is losing weight.  I don’t think he’s developing an eating disorder, his therapist said we just need to be careful.  But you’re right, I’m fried


now you know. good. I am so excited about your ivig. it really does help and hopefully will fight the virus. glad dr called you back


Is there anyone in your family you can ask for help? I have been worried about you as your posts have  increasingly reflected that you are overwhelmed. In our family we refer to it as everything is “DEFCON 4”,it is very hard to operate at that level of stress 24/7 without everything seeming to have the exact same level of importance…You are a conscientious dad, love your family, try all kinds of solutions for all kinds of situations. I have heard you say many times if one person gets what they need , it’s like you are making a choice to neglect the other family member. That is the case sometimes in ALL families. But you are not sacrificing your family members if you have to focus attention more on one than the others at any given time.Because you are dealing with serious health concerns in your kids I think it is not unusual for you to think worst case scenario-but you are going to fry out if you immediately assume things like Elliott is going to develop an eating disorder if he doesn’t want to eat right now.  Rob,please ask your family for help,I’m worried about you