Of course this would happen today

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  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post last modified:December 13, 2013

While it’s not uncommon for me to have to visit the school during the school day, there hasn’t been any unexpected trips so far this year.  That is of course, until today

Elliott wasn’t feeling well and needed to come home.  When this type of thing happens, I like to react quickly and bring them home where they can be more comfortable. 

Of course this would happen today…

Since we lost our van this week, we’ve but blessed with the use age of my parents car.  We’ve been able to get the kids to and from school as well as to therapy and the doctors. 

Today however, we ran into a scheduling conflict and my parents needed their car this morning.  That’s totally cool and we worked everything out and all was right with the world.  That is until I got the phone call

Of all the days this could have happened, it had to happen on the one day that we were powerless to really do anything.

I mentioned a call from the school.  This call was to inform us that one, Mr. Elliott Richard was not feeling well and needed to come home.  I instinctively responded that we would be right there. It wasn’t until after I hung up that I remembered I couldn’t just jump in the van and pick him up.

Eventually, I was able to make arrangements to get him home and it didn’t take that long. 

Things worked out this time but we are only a few days into no longer having a car. 

This site is managed almost exclusively from my Samsung Galaxy Note 3. Please forgive any typos as auto-correct HATES me. 😉

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Rob have faith (since it is all we have really anyway) that you were able take care of this problem today and you can put that check mark in the “good job, got that taken care” column as a win. i would really have a problem if my car quit. i am in outside sales and have to have a car to have the job. I will never give up and that is what i like about you Rob, is that you never give up. we feel like it a lot it seems because things are so overwhelming. i have only been on my new job (very thankful for new job) a couple of months and am not caught up on everything yet. one thing about not having insurance, it made getting scripts for my sick son easier because it didnt involve ins and anxeity about ins. instead i shelled out over 600 out of pocket last month for meds to last thru this month for my sick son. still working on his social security but it wont come thru because he lives with me and on paper it looks like i make good enough money to penalize him as he is 21 and never been able to work. the pharmacy is one of the worst places for me regarding anxiety. great pharmacy and pharmasist but there is usually an issue as there are many prescriptions so more chances for something to be a problem. i am so greatful we live in America and i can still pay for my childs medicine.  or get it somehow and get him to the dr and me to the dr .I couldnt imagine him being so sick with no medication in a foriegn bad off country. those mamas have it very tough, no money, no food, no meds, sick children and no police protection.