This #Autism Dad is begging for mercy O_o

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  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post last modified:December 17, 2013

When you have a child with serious immunodeficiency, it’s really stressful when they get sick. The past 3 weeks have had Gavin sick for the very first time since his IVIG Infusions began about 2 years ago.

Not only has he been sick recently but he’s been sick with back to back aliments.

As of the writing of this post, Gavin is still home sick and I’m actually going to speak with his Immunologist today because I’m growing more and more concerned.

Last night about 3am, Elliott came into our room in tears because his head hurt.  His head hurting evolved into him not feeling well and ended with him vomiting this morning as a result of post nasal drip. 

It was assumed that Elliott would be home as well today except that he’s feeling better and wants to try going to school.

The puking is a result of post nasal drip and an extremely sensitive gag reflex.  He’s not running a fever and he ate breakfast.  The only thing unexplained is the headache but people get headaches and his is gone. 

Lizze is battling with insomnia right now which is an exceptionally cruel twist of fate for someone with a sleep disorder. 

Gavin’s not awake yet and do he remains a wild card as well. 

At this point, I’m begging the powers that be for mercy.  We need a break, even a small one will suffice.

This site is managed almost exclusively from my Samsung Galaxy Note 3. Please forgive any typos as auto-correct HATES me. 😉

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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i am going to post on the other blog thing about immuno difency later today but since i now have obamacare for my son we can go get him some ivig. i just hope he doesnt have side effects. I hope the doctors and ins dont give me any trouble. i hope that my son sees the value in going to get the meds. i am going to check into doing it at home after we do it a few times to see if there is a reaction. the main problem with going is getting him around the hospital from the parking lot to sitting in the waiting room. a wheelchair helps but then his back hurts him worse. I am praying myself up to be able to get thru this and maybe it wont be as bad as it could be. I feel sick writing this post so just thinking about it gets my anxiety going. i have to think of something else

Angela McDonough

i know the feeling just keep praying and have faith

Lost and Tired

MaryBarnett Meaghan1985 thanks.  I appreciate the support and will look into the Vistaril


What doesn’t kill us only makes us stronger right? I know it’s so cliche. But you and your family are in my thoughts, hang in there!


Vistaril, a prescription allergy medication which is like Benadryl on steroids, has been the only medication I’ve ever found that’s effective in stopping post-nasal drip. Maybe you should ask Elliott’s doctor about it.