Do your kids HAVE to have the lights on during the day?

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  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post last modified:January 4, 2014

I was wondering if any of your kids have to have the lights on all the time.  This includes day time hours.  I feel like I’m constantly chasing behind the boys and turning the lights off when they aren’t in use. 

I’ve been trying to help them understand that we don’t always have to have the lights on, especially when we don’t need them. 

I think Emmett struggles with this concept the most as he’s the one that’s either freaking out because they are turned off or following behind me, turning them back on.

It’s like a compulsion with him but it may also just be one of those things that come along with Autism as well. 

This is something I’ve never brought up before but lately it’s been driving me crazy and increasing our electric bill.  I suppose I could unscrew or remove the bulbs but that’s a pain in the ass and potentially dangerous.  All of our lights are built in, so I can’t unplug then either. 

Do any of you struggle with the same thing?

This site is managed almost exclusively from my Samsung Galaxy Note 3. Please forgive any typos as auto-correct HATES me. 😉

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Could it have anything to do with Emmett’s (or anyone’s) eyesight? I have very bad eyes, and I have noticed over the years that I need more lights on than other people seem to.

Lost and Tired

That’s a good question but no. They just like to have things a certain way.

Raynette Jones

Rob, feel like you are chasing after the boys because you are. I have to say I had a different rule for my 2 kids regarding turning lights and tvs off when you don’t need them and to this day they are thankful i had a different rule. I give praise to God of a power bill that has always stayed to this day under $100 a month which is fantastic. So i didnt have the rule as I could afford $100 a month, that was amazing. that meant they didnt have to turn the tv off or the lights off because it was a very reasonable bill and you can imagine (just with the day you have had today) how many times a day i didnt have to be what they would precievewith me kids. it wasnt worth it. My kids are NT and in my opionion i think most kids leave the lights and tv on. My 26 year old told me a few years ago he was greatful I was like that and it was the exact oposite at all his friends houses. their parents were always telling, yelling etc at their kids about the lights and tv (because you cant just say something once and that be it LOL). As much as I would want to take the praise and leave it at that, I told him (he was about 23) that we had the best power bill in the world and other peoples power bills were about $400 or $500 even 5 or more years ago or whatever a month and that was why they didnt get in trouble. God also helped me mentally not to have a high power bill and not have to fuss at the kids. anyway, it must be in most kids nature to to do what yours is doing as it does seem they try and drive you crazy. I bet my mama wanted to run away from me making her crazy but back then it was “ok” to hit/beat your kids which she did because we were making her crazy. Have a great evening which means just dont worry about the lights for a day at least if you want so you can have a break for real

Lost and Tired

Thanks Raynette 🙂