Confessions of an #Autism Dad – I’ve let myself down

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  • Reading time:4 mins read
  • Post last modified:March 17, 2014

Those of you that have been following our story for a little while are likely aware that I’ve been trying to lose weight, with mixed results.

Once upon a time, I used to be in really good shape.  I was a body builder and trained 6 days a week. 

In 2001 I suffered a major back injury and it’s been downhill since.  I went from 6’3″ and 220 lbs to 6’3″ and 300lbs.


I honestly feel terrible and I really want to lose 80 lbs. 

At one point in the last come of years, I was walking 30+ miles a week and the weight was melting off. However, life presented my family with additional challenges and it became harder and harder to get away to hit the track. 

Now I stress eat, don’t exercise and I’ve let myself and my family down. 

I hate the way I look now and I’m not comfortable in my own body.  This has to change. 

Beginning today, I’m renewing my commitment to better health.  My goal is to walk at least 10 miles a week for now.  That’s way less than what I used to do but 10 miles more than I’ve been doing. 

I’m also going to really push myself to find better ways of coping with stress.

I think it’s reasonable to attempt to lose 5lbs a month for now.  With diet and exercise, I shouldn’t have much trouble with that.  My metabolism is naturally pretty high and when I watch my diet and get some exercise, I can lose weight without too much trouble. 

It’s important that I set reasonable goals for myself. 10 miles a week and 5 lbs a month feel pretty reasonable to me. 

I’m not gonna lie.  This isn’t going to be easy for me because it’s been awhile since I was doing this on a regular basis.  I know I can physically handle it but mentally, it’s gonna be a real challenge. 

When walking, I use Endomondo to track and record my heart rate and walking path.  I will do my best to share this information, as a means of holding myself accountable. 

Please wish me luck.  I’m gonna need it.. 🙂

This site is managed almost exclusively from my Samsung Galaxy Note 3. Please forgive any typos as auto-correct HATES me. 😉

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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You can so do this! Wise to set reasonable goals,too.I started Weight Watchers last year in February and lost 40 lbs. My knees don’t hurt anymore and I feel so much better. I hadn’t intended to get so heavy (who does) but finally couldn’t stand it anymore. I think Spring/Summer is an easier time to lose, too. Good luck!

Kim Bailey

Exercise helps with depression…. eventually perhaps the whole family could join you, it could help everyone de-stress. I miss walking, but can not take my 20 yr old out on my own 🙁

Michelle Petzold

Good luck Rob! Exercising may be your new stress reliever!

Lost and Tired

rjones22  that’s awesome.  Every little bit helps and what you’re doing isn’t easy.  Mad respect.  🙂


Great Luck to you! It is funny that you have started backat this today as of yesterday, I made the move to no added sugar. I am driinking water instead of sweet tea and water instead of a little coffee with my cream and sugar.  I did good today. I don’t like artificial sweetners which is probably good.

Persephone Rising

Well, maybe I should virtually join you. Sometimes I can’t walk because of the fm and knee issues, but I could at least start riding my one horse that help a TON with the fm, acute sciatica, and compressed disks pain. I ride English so there is a LOT of physical work to it because you use yours legs more. Plus, all my horses are nuts. But the knee pain varies from day to day and I really need to get it fixed soon so I can be healthier and just in case something happens with insurance (I hope not). Plus, riding Wendal relaxes my Aspie brain so it is probably the one time I am focused solely on what I am doing instead of racing thoughts. Good luck with your endeavor! You do a lot already so I think 10 miles will be a snap for you! 🙂


Good Luck it’s not easy but you can do it.  Maybe you can even get the kids to join you some or take one at a time to give them a little one on one Daddy time. Cant wait to hear how it goes.