Supportive tips for traveling with your autistic child

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  • Post last modified:November 4, 2020

Everyone deserves a holiday, and we all know that the lead up to any vacation is both exciting and demanding. With so much to plan and organize it’s easy to leave an item behind or to forget about something. But as a parent with a child on the autistic spectrum, you’ll fully understand that travelling with them can be a challenge within itself! 

Worrying about your holiday being canceled due to Coronavirus restrictions is another aspect of your break you may not have considered. For your guidance, Creditfix has created this infographic detailing your rights and what your next steps should be if your break is canceled. Check it out!

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It’s easy to feel overwhelmed at the idea of traveling with your autistic child, after all, they thrive on routine and you’re concerned about causing them unnecessary stress. However, you may take comfort from the fact that with careful and considerate planning, you and your entire family can enjoy a much needed and deserved break.

Read on for some supportive tips for travelling with your autistic child.

Discuss your child’s needs

From your airport transfer driver to the airline, hotel staff, restaurants, kids club staff and anyone else you come into contact with on your holiday. Call ahead of time and discuss your child’s needs and what they need to make them feel safe, happy and content. You’ll find that many providers and vendors are more than happy to accommodate your child.

This not only makes the vacation much more enjoyable and manageable for your child but if a situation arises, staff may be able to step in and offer assistance if you want it. Never feel as though you’re asking too much! If providers are less then accommodating, then find someone else who is willing to accommodate your child’s needs.

Safety first

If your child is nonverbal, then the idea of them wandering (elopement) or getting separated from you is terrifying to say the very least. You’re probably already familiar with safety and first aid, however, you shouldn’t be afraid to take extra precautions whilst you’re away from home.

Medical bracelets or necklaces that contain information on them could save your child’s life if they become lost or wander. There are other options such as labels in their clothing or ID tags that can be placed elsewhere on their person if they struggle with sensory overload.

Plan plenty of breaks

Holidays aren’t always as relaxing as we intend them to be. And if your child has autism then taking regular breaks is essential for them. This will help you avoid meltdowns and avoid certain triggers. Sticking to normal bedtime routines will help, and make sure you incorporate plenty of rest into your schedule. You’ll enjoy the break too!

And finally, make sure meals are planned in advance

If your child is a fussy eater, don’t sweat it. Consider bringing along their favorite meals, or researching where you can pick them up from at your destination. Reach out to your hotel provider or the restaurants you want to try and make plans ahead of your visit. This will take a huge amount of pressure and worry out of your holiday.

This is a contributed post and therefore may not reflect the views and opinions of this blog or its author.

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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