My #ADHD Brain

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  • Post last modified:April 15, 2022

I was feeling a little scattered today and getting frustrated with my ADHD brain. I had some work that needed to get done today. There was some prep for my trip, as well as tend to some ad copies that needed written and recorded. I got some invoicing done, as well as bit of coding on the backend of the site. I was relatively productive today.

The boys only had half a day at school today and I had to reschedule a meeting in order to retrieve them on time. That’s kinda where things went downhill for me. 😂

When I got home, I decided to go through the boxes in my room and get rid of everything I don’t need or want. This is something I need to do. I get so much free stuff sent to me for review consideration and I can’t keep collecting it all.

I’m putting a donate box together, and will figure out the right place to take everything later. In all honestly, I made huge progress in my room. I got rid of a ton of things but then I noticed one of my plants looked ready to move to a bigger pot and off task I went.

Before I knew it, I’d dropped everything I was doing and headed outside to repot this thing. As I was cleaning up the porch, I remembered that I had another plant that was ready for a new pot, and of course it needed done right now.

I eventually realized I was off task and became frustrated with myself. However, rather then beat myself up, I just refocused, and returned to working in my room. Before too long, I found myself off task once again. This time I was in my old office, going through boxes and throwing things away. I’m not entirely sure how I ended up getting there or what the thought process was, but I’m pretty sure I was putting something away, and just got distracted.

It’s not a huge deal because everything I did was productive and needed done. The problem is that I was bouncing between projects and not finishing what I started. It was super inefficient and while I did make progress, I now have multiple projects started and nothing completed. I will say the plants are happy though. ☺

Honestly, it’s kinda of embarrassing to admit this because part of me feels like I’m 43 years old and shouldn’t be struggling with this. That being said, it was an off day for me and I need to be alright with that. I seem to do okay most of the time but there are some days where it’s damn near impossible to stay on task.

I find it frustrating because because when I go off task, I don’t usually realize it until I’m way off task. This seems to be especially true when I’m tired or overwhelmed. I feel pretty good today so I don’t know what the deal was.

Anyway, the kids don’t have school tomorrow and are going to their moms for the night. It’s the first break I’ve had in a little while and I’m looking forward to it.

I have some work that needs to get done for the podcast in the morning, and then I’m going to refocus my efforts on finishing up the projects I started today. Ideally, I’ll get this done while the kids are home so they can help carry stuff outside to the trash. I’m going to go into this having learned something from today’s mishaps. Rather than just jumping into these projects, I’m going to make a list to help me stay on task. If I can manage to stay on task, I should be able to knock everything out in a couple hours.

I don’t know what the moral of this story is but I have reminded myself to work with my brain rather than against it. Life is so much easier when I remember to do that.

Can anyone relate to this? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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