If we can make it through today

That felt like the longest night ever. I was finally able to sleep, and as I woke up, the house was feeling quite comfortable.  Lizze is already in class, and won't be home for hours.  The boys are all in a good moods, and that's awesome. I suspect as the day wears on, and the temperature increases, we'll see that change. If we can make it through today, it's supposed to rain for the next day or so, and that will cool things off.  At this point in time, I'm feeling pretty good about today. 


At least I know what I’m up against

Today hasn't been too bad thus far. It's only in the low 80's inside the house. The boys have benefited from their Grandparents A/C for most of the day.  I was able to speak with the HVAC service and even if the parts are covered, I'm looking at several hundred dollars. Major components should be covered but the labor is still pretty rough, and smaller parts aren't covered anymore.  For example, if a capacitor is the culprit, I'm looking at roughly $300 for the repairs. Unfortunately, I don't know anyone who does HVAC service anymore and I've troubleshooted to the limits of my ability.  At least I know what I'm up against.