12/06/2013 #Autonomic Crisis Update 1: Emergency Room @AkronChildrens Hospital

I’ll be honest, I’m really freaked out. Gavin is scaring me to the point I feel sick to my stomach. He’s lost 25+ lbs since June and his diet hasn’t been reduced. In fact, it’s been increased and he’s still losing weight. He weights 110 lbs now and that really scares me.

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Autonomic Crisis: Please Pray

Okay...  The doctor has been in and I think we have sufficiently confused him with all of Gavin's health issues. Gavin's renting and watching TV while they figure out what…

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Autonomic Crisis: Hanging in there

We survived the night.  Gavin is actually still sleeping and slept straight through the night.  There were several doctors that came in throughout the night to ask questions and examine…

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