We just hit a major milestone but I have mixed feelings

I've hit a pretty major parenting milestone. Elliott and Emmett are both in high school now and I no longer have any kids in grade school. We can take this a step further and also acknowledge that not only are they both in high school, but they're both in mainstream high school. I'm so proud of them and part of me feels like I've done something right as a parent, and the other part of me knows that the credit belongs to the two of them. It's so amazing to see them doing so well and I couldn't be prouder. There were plenty of times along the way when I would have never thought this possible, or in their best interest, and yet here we are. Just the four of…


Transitions Suck

I had a really early start to my day and it was totally worth it. Sometimes I need some motivation to get up earlier than I would otherwise, but I'm always glad I did. I want to start my days eariler whenever I can. That's a goal going forward. The school year has officially begun and we got off without a hitch. Both boys are masked and vaccinated. Please do the same as soon as it becomes available. Let's keep each other and our families safe. Starting a new school year isn't nearly as stressful as it once was but that doesn't mean it's stress free, because it's not. ο˜‚ As the kids have gotten older and gained more independence, I don't need to be as heavily involved as I…


They finally went back to school

Thank God there's school today. I love my kids, I truly do but there schedule has been so messed up since before Christmas break, they need to go back. I need them to go back. There were closing around us but we weren't one of them. We got the kids off to school, and both Gavin's and Lizze's blood work done. All I need to do today is call the pharmacy and remind them to call for his lab results so they can deliver his Clozapine in the morning. Gavin's good until Wednesday night. So far so good. The day could definitely be worse but I'm grateful it's not.. ☺