Summing up my experience at The Converge Autism Summit

At the end of April, I drove to Greenville, South Carolina. They invited me to attend and promote The National Converge Autism Summit, put on by Springbrook Autism Behavioral Health. This was the first time I agreed to attend anything like this before, especially in person. It's been a few weeks, and the dust has settled. I wanted to share how the trip went, and talk a little about my first experience of attending a conference. First, my purpose for being there was to promote the conference. That included documenting my experiences, sharing on social media, and interviewing the keynote speakers. This was a great opportunity to grow professionally, and I took full advantage. It's not every day that I get a chance to sit down with Temple Grandin and…

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I’m just gonna leave this here

I'm exhausted and I'm leaving super early so I can get home to my loved ones. I'll be sharing all about my trip after I settle back in and catch my breath. I just wanted give you some idea of how today went. I can't wait for this episode to come out. Be sure to follow me on Instagram because there's a bunch of video from the trip that you can only see there. ο˜‰ I'm just gonna leave this here..

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I’m attending the @SpringbrookBHS National Converge #Autism Summit on April 28th and 29th

I've been talking about a few of the projects I'm working on or involved with but I've been holding off talking about this one in particular, until the time was right. Well, the time has arrived and I'm really excited to share this information with all of you. I've been invited to the National Converge Autism Summit, put on by Springbrook Autism Behavioral Health, in Greenville, South Carolina. The summit will be held on April 28th & 29th. There's an amazing lineup of keynote speakers. Dr. Temple Grandin, a pioneer in the field of autism will be there, as well as Ron Suskind, Pulitzer Prize-winning author, journalist, and filmmaker. I will be conducting on site interviews for the podcast with Dr. Temple Grandin, Ron Suskind, as well as few other…