Welcome to my life. Enter at your own risk

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  • Reading time:4 mins read
  • Post last modified:August 27, 2010

On Tuesday morning we took Gavin to see Dr. R. We found out that Gavin can no longer safely take his MUCH NEEDED anti-psychotics. We knew we needed to adjust the Lithium but he needed bloodwork first.  Wednesday morning Lizze took Gavin for his bloodwork and he did great. While she was gone I was revieving our business and personal checking only to find out there had been 2 unauthorized transactions the night before. This makes 3 times so far in August. After I freaked out I thought “at least we weren’t overdrawn”. Then I realized that I cut payroll eariler that week and those checks hadn’t cleared. Now there isn’t enough left in the account to clear the checks. They will probably clear over the weekend and that will be extremely costly due to the overdraft fee’s.

I thought I was going t lose my mind. Then I went to work on my blog only to find out my site had been hacked and rendered inaccessible. I found the malicious code and Stuart restored the script and I got back up and running pretty quick. Thank’s again Stuart.

So I devised a plan to fix the problem. We had been thinking of switching cell phone carriers but hadn’t yet. So I figured that now would be a good time. I returned my xbox 360 (which was bought with reward point as and a gift card) back to Best Buy and used the store credit to awitch to Verizon from Sprint. Now I could sell my Sprint phones on ebay and use that to help with our missed mortgage payment and payroll.  We even have some store credit left. While I was leaving Best Buy I was going about 35mph down the road snd the light turned red. The “Lexus” in front of me had already stopped at the light. I went to stop and I had NO BRAKES. The pedal went right to the floor and I couldn’t stop and I was going slightly down hill. I had to run up against the curb to grind to a stop. I stopped just behind the very expensive “Lexus” ahead of me. I had smoke pouring out from under the hood of the car and I managed to get into a parking space and shut it off.  I then remembered my tags expired on the 24th (my birthday) and that would have made a crash even worse. It turns out the brake line broke and the brake fluid was spraying all over the back of the engine block causing all the smoke. The car is most likely beyond repair at this point. There is simply to many things wrong to invest anything into it. It has over 200,000 miles and the blower just went out, the drive side door doesn’t work, the windshield is cracked and the windows don’t work. Also the kids no longer fit in the backseat. I have no idea what we are going to do now with no car. My parents are letting us use theirs for right now but that’s a temporary fix.

The trully scary part is that not 45 mins before this happened Lizze and Gavin were on the freeway coming home from the doctors. 70 mph is a whole lot more dangerous with no brakes then 35 mph. They could have been killed. Someone was watching over us for sure. I could have gone much differently.

We so desperately need a break. I really don’t know what we are going to do. I’m not really sure what’s going to happen next but it honestly scares me.

I do know that I will need a whole lot more subscriptions. lol….twitch…twitch….

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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