The boys are at each other’s throats and it’s driving me mad

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  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:April 7, 2018

Elliott and Emmett have been at each other’s throats all day.  I’m waiting to hear back from the doctor about Emmett’s ADHD medication, so that’s a huge factor. 

It also doesn’t help that Emmett’s still in a fever cycle and of course the holiday fallout. 

Elliott is constantly reporting everyone’s actions to me and is extremely sensitive to anything, anyone says to him.


It’s been one of those day where I wish I could just hide under the covers and sleep through it. 

Gavin’s getting frustrated as well because he’s tired of them fighting. 

While there are some mitigating circumstances, this is fairly typical of holiday fallout.  It’ll take a good week for them to finally chill and get back into routine. 

Hopefully, my sanity will still be intact by that time. 

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Darcy Dallin

The 4 of you being together all the time is not healthy. Even if one goes to their room, it’s easy for another to walk in on. Is their any way grandparents can take one kid at a time for a little bit some days? Does mom work? During the school breaks, maybe mom & her parents can take each E for half a day & give them more one on one bonding time? Nothing stressful, like having to do anything, just hang together in peace n quiet.


Write out a chore list and put them all to work!

Rob Gorski

I didn’t make a list but they cleaned their room and did some chores.. Trying to keep so semblance of order.. lol

Great advice. Thank you


Write out a chore list and put them all to work!

Rob Gorski

I didn’t make a list but they cleaned their room and did some chores.. Trying to keep so semblance of order.. lol

Great advice. Thank you

Darcy Dallin

The 4 of you being together all the time is not healthy. Even if one goes to their room, it’s easy for another to walk in on. Is their any way grandparents can take one kid at a time for a little bit some days? Does mom work? During the school breaks, maybe mom & her parents can take each E for half a day & give them more one on one bonding time? Nothing stressful, like having to do anything, just hang together in peace n quiet.


Write out a chore list and put them all to work!

Rob Gorski

I didn’t make a list but they cleaned their room and did some chores.. Trying to keep so semblance of order.. lol

Great advice. Thank you

Darcy Dallin

The 4 of you being together all the time is not healthy. Even if one goes to their room, it’s easy for another to walk in on. Is their any way grandparents can take one kid at a time for a little bit some days? Does mom work? During the school breaks, maybe mom & her parents can take each E for half a day & give them more one on one bonding time? Nothing stressful, like having to do anything, just hang together in peace n quiet.