I’m on my own for a while……

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  • Reading time:1 mins read
  • Post last modified:January 14, 2011

After a lot of talk we decided that Lizze was going to go live with her parents for a little while. I want to be very clear that we are not having problems. It’s simply a matter of her survival. She is not doing well and the stress is literally causing her body to turn on itself. I fucking hate this but I don’t know what else we can do. She is in so much pain all the time and the stress of everything is making it untreatable. Stress is the worst thing in the world for a person living with fibro.

The kids were picking up on Lizze’s stress and it was creating more chaos for them. She has given so freely of herself for so long that she is completely spent and on the verge of a nervous break down. I have never seen anyone go through as much as she has and handle it with such grace.

I’m completely lost right now. I have never been with out her…..

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Sister Wolf

So sorry to hear this. I hope you have some kind of support system in place. Please try every kind of social service organization in your community! Maybe you can get volunteers from a college program?

Don't give up. xo


That really tough. I cant imagine what a difficult decision this must have been for her. Make sure you have people to lean on too. Hang in there guys.

A. M.

I just wanted to say that the circumstances are so unfortunate, but it is great that you realize she needs some rest away from the house for awhile. And as far as the kids picking up the stress, that is so true. When I'm having a spectacularly crappy day, my little one with autism can totally tell. You can see it on his face. I really admire your strength. Wishing you a relatively uneventful weekend.