A Loving Lampposts GIVEAWAY

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  • Reading time:4 mins read
  • Post last modified:May 22, 2011

LostandTired.com has partnered with Cinema Libre Studio to give away a FREE copy of the award winning film, Loving Lampposts: Living Autistic by Todd Drezner.

Here is how we are going to play this game. I’m going to keep it VERY simple (for my benefit). All you need to do is leave a comment on this post. As EVERYONE will get ONE entry per comment. Comment as many times as you would like. I said I was keeping this simple….remember. The winner will be selected at random via Pick Giveaway Plugin for WordPress. Also please feel free to “Like” my blog. The “Like” button is on the top right.

This contest will run from the time this posts until Friday , May 27th @ 8pm. The winner will be announced in a new post at that time. So be sure to check back on Friday around 8:30pm. You will have 48hours to contact me in order to claim your prize. The DVD will be shipped to your address directly from the Cinema Libre Studio.   

Please feel free to share this on twitter and Facebook. The more the merrier.

This is open to US residents ONLY.

Read about Loving Lampposts: Living Autistic below.



“As autism has exploded into the public consciousness over the last 20 years, two opposing questions have been asked about the condition: is it a devastating sickness to be cured? Or is it a variation of the human brain — just a different way to be human?

After his son’s diagnosis, filmmaker Todd Drezner visits the front lines of the autism wars. We meet the “recovery movement,” which views autism as a tragic epidemic brought on by environmental toxins. Operating outside the boundaries of mainstream medicine, these parents, doctors, and therapists search for unconventional treatments that can “reverse” autism and restore their children to normal lives.

We meet the ‘neurodiversity’ movement, which argues that autism should be accepted and autistic people supported. This group argues that the focus on treatments and cures causes the wider society to view autistic people as damaged and sick. Acceptance is the better way, but how do you practice acceptance of autism in a world where the very word can terrify parents?

And we meet a too often ignored group: autistic adults. It’s these adults who show just how tricky it is to judge an autistic person’s life. Is an autistic woman who directs academic research about autism recovered? What if the same woman has trouble speaking and uses text-to-speech software to communicate? Is an autistic man who lives in his own apartment recovered? What if his mother must hire people to do his laundry and take him out in the evenings?

This wide angle view of autism makes clear what’s at stake in the autism wars. Will we live in a world dominated by autism conferences where vendors hawk vitamins and hyperbaric chambers to parents desperate for a cure? Or will we provide the support that autistic adults need to lead the best lives they can? And can these two worlds possibly co-exist?” -lovinglamppostsmovie.com


Here is the official movie trailer:


Loving Lampposts Trailer from Loving Lampposts on Vimeo.

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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I would love to win this video to watch with my wife, who has a very misguided notion of what neurodiversity is all about — and how it may impact our ASD child. Thanks.

Mic Erlandson

I seen the movie and I think it is a wonderful movie that poses many questions, as well as helps those who are wanting to understand autism, and cut through all the media scare tactics…..I found it very informative, and helped remove some of my misconceptions of autism.

Ann Marie Hake Hughes

I need to see it, but also wonder how it will make me feel because I am VERY set in my ways of what will work with my family, and people on both sides can be REALLY pushy.
My recent post Things Got Heated in Dubuque Today


I've been so interested to see this movie. I would love to win!
My recent post The End of the School Year Is Kicking My Ass


This would be a good film for not only me, but the rest of the family to see – I have one grandson that has Autism, his sister is diagnosed PDD/NOS.

Onyx Panthyr

This sounds like a really interesting and informative film. I would like to see it sometime. 🙂


I'm an ABA Therapist. I would love to share this movie with the parents and families of the children I work with. That looks like an amazing movie.
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Bonnie Stewart

I think about that sometimes. How do autistic kids and adults feel about a society that is so obsessed with curing them? When you consider that these kids and adults are some of the most emotionally sensitive people in the world, I think anything we do should be based on affirming them as people.

Ann Marie Hake Hughes

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