Oversimulated and overwhelmed

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  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post last modified:August 27, 2011

Elliott is going through a pretty rough time.  He is quite upset that he isn’t going back to his old school.  In the typical Elliott fashion,  he wants to understand why he’s not going back and I don’t really know what to tell him. 

All I have done so far is play up all the positives about this change. The truth is however,  that no matter how high functioning he is,  kids in the spectrum often times struggle with change.  Their is a feeling of safety and security in routine or predictability.  When that feeling of safety or security is taken away,  it’s like they are thrust into chaos. 

Every ASD kid is different but many of the traits follow this same pattern,  even if to a different degree. Right now Elliott feels very anxious and is worried about what will happen next. I keep trying to reassure him but he’s still very nervous and upset. This makes meltdowns and emotional outbursts very common right now for him.

Lizze said it best when she said,  “it’s like your living inside a snowglobe and then all of a sudden someone shakes it up.  Your whole world is thrown off balance. ”

I think that is remarkable insight and really helps to make sense of this situation.  I know that Elliott will adjust but right now,  as horrible as it sounds,  he’s driving me nuts. People don’t realize just how their actions can effect others,  especially those on the spectrum. 

On top of all this,  Elliott is dealing with both his brothers being sick and needing much of our attention.  Elliott can fall through the cracks,  despite our best effort.

Sometimes no matter how hard you try,  it’s never enough.

– Lost and Tired

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Mario Galindo

Hang in there brother. In my thoughts and prayers.


Thank you. 🙂